Monaco - what's yours is mine (game) : I guess it is ok

This is a top-down stealth and action game with less than awesome graphics. I am not going to get on anyone's case about the graphics because it was produced by a small company. That being said, i think the game is just a bit meh.


The story is pretty normal, a bunch of characters that can be chosen in order to break into certain places and rob the people that are charged with protecting it. There are 8 different characters that the users can choose and they all have their own strengths and weaknesses.


You enter each stage with a certain objective (as you would expect) and up to 4 players can co-op to complete the levels. You have to progress pretty far in the game in order for the guards to be anything other than completely inept. I have to admit that the game with one player was completely lame but became a lot more fun in multi-player mode, but only just.

Now if you look online this game has absolutely rave reviews so perhaps I am wrong in my decision to say that after I played it for a couple days I was kind of over it. However, my opinion is the only one I have access to and I was bored after a few days. I found the gameplay to be repetitive and none of the levels to be particularly difficult. It was very rare for me to actually die.

I suppose one of the redeeming qualities of this game is the fact that it is super-cheap (less than $10) and you can co-op a game almost immediately online via STEAM. You are also able to play this game locally because I know for sure that everyone has 4 Xbox 360 controllers lying around.

Many of the professional reviewers out there say that this game "should be skipped if there is no intention of playing co-op mode" and I couldn't agree more. The game is flat-out boring if playing in single player mode, but can at least be pretty captivating played with 3 other people.

Overall, I always try to give special attention to indie games, especially when they forgo high-end graphics and focus on gameplay. However, for this guy, Monaco just kind of falls flat.

Sorry to any fanbois out there, but it just didn't float my boat.

5 / 10

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