Logan Paul is an idiot but it is time we forgave him

I have to admit that in the past, before he became famous, i quite liked the various skits this guy did and I really feel as though he was a pioneer as far as hilarious VINES were concerned (what happened to those btw.)

Over time though, I really got sick of the guy because he was one of those internet personalities that kept their fame (and subsequently income) by pushing the limits and being a bigger and bigger a**hole as time went by. I do not find it funny when a person attempts to find humor at the expense of other people.


His entire trip to Japan was just an exercise in idiocracy which I know is not a word. He basically just ran around the country being as insulting as possible everywhere that he went and this was supposed to be entertaining? I found it extremely cringe and the worst thing is that the people who admire him (mostly children) likely felt more compelled to emulate this sort of behavior because they think it is funny.

I did not think it was funny

While i did not watch all of it because it was just too over-the-top for me I watched enough to know that i really wanted this guy to get attacked or arrested - which neither happened unfortunately. There is a reason why he didn't try to do this in Russia or Texas (for example;) because even he knows that doing such crap would result in him ending up bloody in a ditch somewhere.


The thing that finally got him in trouble is when he discovered a dead body in Japan's famous suicide forest (Aokigahara) and he had the audacity to not only actually put this footage online, but to make light of it and try to turn it into something comedic. It was reprehensible and of course even the unscrupulous people over at YouTube quickly put a stop to this and Logan Paul's stock in the company (so to speak) dropped hard and fast.

so why should we forgive him?

Dude has seen almost all of his revenue streams completely dry up and even though I am quite sure that he and his younger brother (who is also an @sshat) have plenty of cash leftover. He basically has to start over. I do not feel bad for him and basically feel as though he is getting what he deserves.

We should forgive him because he was in the business of pushing the limits and in such an industry well, some people are going to go too far in the pursuit of creating content that the world wants to see. Much like Tom Green, who people got sick of after he had to try and try and try to keep an audience by constantly lowering the bar of good taste, the consumers eventually grew tired of it.

Logan Paul can disappear into obscurity for all I care but I kind of view this as a Pee-Wee Herman type situation where everyone is virtue-signalling and pointing fingers in an effort to make themselves seem like puritans. While he did something that is exceptionally insensitive and stupid, he shouldn't be banned from making more content just because of the one time where he saw an opportunity that turned out to be an absolutely ridiculous decision (the decision to make light of a suicide.)


I will not watch him if he is allowed back on to YouTube because I think he is annoying, not funny, and downright mean. However, I do not believe in the suppression of free speech, even if I disagree with it. If you don't like Logan Paul (and I do not) then don't watch Logan Paul! It is as simple as that. However, YouTube banning him from uploading content is just wrong.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding YouTube picking and choosing what content we have access to, and removing payouts for people that don't "fall in line" with whoever makes the decisions over there. But at the end of the day this is selective censorship and I will NEVER be in favor of that, regardless of who it is that is being censored.

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