Get Shit Done Contest - Less than 3 days


What is the Get Shit Done Contest?

Most people have something holding them back, something that if done would have a profound change in their life. A lot of times these things are not difficult but we are afraid to do them because:

  • We don't know if we can
  • We are not sure how it will turn out
  • It is too hard
  • We are too busy

If you haven't seen the details of the contest, check out the post.

There are less than 3 days until the contest is over. I recommend reading the original post to find out what the contest is about. 100 Steem is on the line!

Uncertainty breeds procrastination

If we are unsure of something, we tend to push it aside. Almost nothing meaningful has been accomplished without dealing with uncertainty and doubt.

There isn't a lot of time left to get involved.

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