The Comfort Zone - No Mud - No Lotus!


In Business and in Life... You may or may not be familiar with the catch phrase... "No Mud - No Lotus".
Or "Success is found outside of the comfort zone".

The phrase "No Mud - No Lotus" is pointing to the fact that the lotus flower endures a long period of time as a seed submerged in the depths of rivers or lakes before sprouting and blossoming above the water. I'm no plant expert but this is truly one of the most fascinating plants around as it also submerges at night and rebirths each day... It is said to be sacred among many cultures and spiritual traditions.

The Great Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh even wrote a book titled:
No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming Suffering I haven't read the book yet, but it is on My "To-Read" list, You can begin to understand how this book could serve as a catalyst for change and transformation when you read the notes and reviews left by others.

Success is found outside of the comfort zone
When Business Success Coaches & Personal Development Coaches talk about "Success is found outside of the comfort zone" They are referring to taking on new challenges, developing your skills or applying your already learned skills in an effective way. Sometimes we can get too comfortable and too set in our ways, the biggest mistake many of us make is to just coast through life relying on others or relying on one single source of income, If money is an issue or you feel like you don't have enough? Consider looking a ways to generate multiple streams of income. Don't be afraid to try something new, Don't be afraid to learn new skills and reach for the stars.

Just think about the Lotus Flower...
The tiny seed that was once submerged in the darkness under water found it's way to the light.

So with that said... I think we can learn a lot from nature, We can also learn a lot from Ancient Wisdom & Spiritual Teachers. I'm looking forward to reading "No Mud, No Lotus" and I'll probably talk more about this in future.

But for now... I'm just going to drink my coffee and then do some meditation, later on I'll do a Yoga Nidra, because getting out of your comfort zone does not mean you have to stay there, sometimes we need to retreat, go within, meditate to look inside, to see what needs healed, to see where we can help or be of service to others. Sometimes we need the right kind of comfort to reflect and see where we can be like the Lotus Flower and awaken each morning in full bloom experiencing the world in it's full glory.

I found out about Yoga Nidra a couple of years ago while on my quest to learn about the various different aspects of Yoga. The first example of a Yoga Nidra I found was on sound cloud: Tibet Yoga Nidra by Debbie Dixon and now there is a brand new Yoga Nidra available on YouTube. See featured video below.

Featured Video

Yoga Nidra - Powerful Guided meditation realizing your highest potential and clearing blocks!
By Debbie Dixon



You can also find some great (free) guided meditations and a beginners guide to meditation and the relationship it has with Yoga Practice on Debbie's website.

Debbie also writes about the Lotus Flower on her web page and in her self help, personal development book "The Path to Freedom"

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Paul Nulty
Mind Body Wellness coach,
Business Success Coach, Event's Host & Promoter


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