Absolutely totally puppy today....








Super wild puppy day today.

if I thought I had a handle on things he has definitely proved me wrong.












So we have super amounts of puppy pictures today and he is being a complete handful.

Even the big long walk really didn't do much to wear him out. We still have the return trip here in a little while.

He absolutely loves the outdoors the smells are driving him absolutely wild.

And he got his first sniff of deer as well. Yep that's right there is a really nice spot where there is an apple tree and at that apple tree the apples ferment and get the deer drunk.

Let's just say right about this time the deer absolutely love no to eat all those apples and get absolutely wasted there have been years where I've come out and seen these deer try to fight each other while smashed.

The big bucks often will get first pick which means that they get drunk first and then are easily beaten by the younger more inquisitive sober crowd.

Adventures in nature are absolutely EPIC.

I really wish I could train some but I'm currently on entry leave so that means the next three weeks no training for me.

Which as much as I really like to be active it is so hard not being active.

Especially having to limit my right arm from doing anything on my elbow which I'm now seeing how valuable having all of my limbs working is.

Well we will see what's all going on and spending some time in nature is going to be my election relief.

I am so tired of the election ads this year that personally if I never saw another one again..

Which I might as well have a little rant about that today.

You know how much money was spent on this election?

For all of the merchandising sales as well as funds raised for advertising budgets it would make more sense to directly reward the people and have the people doing better....

Maybe one of these days we will finally have more in this world happen for the common people.

It is about time that we have more options and I can't wait to see how the libertarian party does this election.

Too bad my dog couldn't talk he is saying something more like I really like scratching behind my ear and wrestling lots with his big huge paws.

Everybody remarks on how amazing he is and I definitely agree.

Absolutely epic pairing and lineage giving me some huge chances at having a phenomenal service dog.

Everyday is learning more and more and more and I am absolutely tickled I still haven't figured out exactly what his new account is going to be however I've been slacking and getting that achieved.

Having such amazing puppy dog is going to be a huge responsibility and he tells me about it everyday.

We are definitely working on boundary training stay and here pretty soon more come here and fetch.

You definitely absolutely loves those balls let me tell you. Definitely a high value reward.

Well there is a reason why these dogs are so valuable for the services that they bring as well as the healing.

I am absolutely blessed every day to have this amazing puppy.

Training him is a huge responsibility but it is worth every second of my time that I put into it..

So today we are enjoying the beautiful nature while he learns valuable life lessons.

Definitely watching how much you learns and also his personality. Which his personality is definitely larger than Life as well.

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