Final Resting Place.

Cage, a.k.a The Slinky Wizard was a great dog. A great dog in spite of being terribly let down during the first 18 months of his life. Completely unsocialised but with not a bad bone in his body, he was brought to the farm as a rescue by the manager. I named him Cage because that was all he had known but now he had the run of a huge property and life was going to be good from now on. Over time he spent more and more time with me and by the time I had to return to the Uk he had spent almost 2 years as my constant companion, shadowing me with that devotion that is unique to German Shepherds. I really loved that dog but it was better for him to stay at the farm. I can remember that goodbye... Anyway he lived on for many years but I never made it back to see him again but I have been reliably informed that every day he sat on the steps of the bungalow I lived in on the property, waiting for me to come back. The next time I came back to Foxden he had been dead a year and the manager had buried him under a bale to stop the thieving coyotes. So there is a place that I come to whenever I am in IMG_0239.JPGthis part of the world. A place where I just stop for a few moments and remember the gentlest, funniest and most ridiculous dog it was ever my great pleasure to walk beside.

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