The Unfortunate Korean Situation

First off let me start by saying that as an American citizen, I advocate for peace in every possible diplomatic situation we face. I believe we’ve overall treated the Middle East disgracefully and we generally no longer have much business being there outside of possibly Kurdistan.

I don’t like war. I have many, many friends and family that have served in the United States armed forces in many branches, mostly in the Navy as SEALs and even in the 10th Mountain Division in Colorado.

Here’s what I see happening - I don’t think there’s a peaceful way out of this and this is the only war that I think will benefit not only the United State but our allies. I understand the fact that the Trump administration is being forced to exhaust every possible route of quelling the Kim before the fire and possible radioactive flames commence. He’s been isolated economically and socially and I personally don’t think China and Russia will be of much help as Russia is being forced to deal with Syria and is heavily involved in Ukraine. China doesn’t have much vested interest in this outside of not wanting to see war on their doorstep.

Now, the Kim regime has flung his radioactive bottle rockets over one of our greatest allies, Japan, and ROK to the south appears ready for what lies ahead. The Kim regime is also waging a massive internet and propaganda campaign against us at this point and is making his intentions absolutely clear. He wants this, and as an American I’m really on the side of thinking sanctions and simple shows of military force will no longer work. I don’t believe stalling the situation, delaying and procrastinating, and even ignoring will work. North Korea is going to have to invade eventually otherwise the entire country will go insane from starvation so what are we going to do? Wait until he actually does detonate a weapon over Hokkaido? Tokyo? We can’t allow this to happen, that would be absolutely foolish. We’re at the tipping point and we need to strike first.

I don’t think this conflict will be anything like our last confrontation with the North, although it could get ugly for Seoul if missiles are lobbed over the DMZ along with artillery. The United States does have air and naval superiority, we will probably take out Kim’s artillery before he has a chance to do major damage that way... Kim’s infantry will have to face not only miles of mines at the DMZ but also air power. I’m mostly worried about a biological weapon being launched that we can’t shoot down or if we DO shoot it down - it would still aerosolize the materials inside and do massive damage...

The relieving side to this, if there was one, is that US and our allies will in all probability not be using nuclear force. Our conventional weapons are perfectly suited for this and we wouldn’t want to use nukes anyhow as all that radioactive wind would blow right back and over ROK and Japan. All the really nasty weapons would be coming from the fat piglet himself...

There is no pretty side to this but this has been brewing for decades now and I believe that our combined efforts with our friends in the region will not only prove quick and effective but victorious.

If this does occur, my heart and mind is with the soldiers of not only the US but ROK and Japan. We cant allow this to go any further.
We can’t...

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