Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International - March 28, 2018

Saw this today when I was looking through some of the independently reported UV-C and UV-B readings from around the country. This has just been released a couple weeks ago so very new information.

Deadly Ultraviolet UV-C and UV-B Penetration to
Earth’s Surface: Human and Environmental Health


It undeniably calls out one technique used in Geoengineering that uses coal fly ash in the aerosol particle trails that are popularly referred to as Chemtrails. We are always reassured that this program is only in the planning stages and to prove that you can go to almost any of Harvards 1920 different articles that have to do with Geoengineering and read about all the amazing advantages soon to come. Geoscience believes that most all UV-C and UV-B radiation is stopped by the earths atmosphere and only trace amounts make it to the ground. This study above proves quite the contrary and you can look about anywhere for the dangers of being exposed to this type of ultraviolet radiation. If you want to take a look at how Dane W. has been speaking up about the UV issue for years please go here

I am placing one quote from the article below-

(Quote End of Pg. 5)
For more than four decades, the geoscience
community has increasingly functioned on the
basis of committee/political standards rather than
long-held scientific standards. When an
important contradiction arises in science,
scientists have an obligation to attempt to
ascertain the veracity of the contradiction and, if
warranted, to correct the contradicted former

(end quote)

It has to be hard for a scientist to have to let go of what he thought to be true and may have well spent a whole career studying but then even if they do want to admit their error they still have to struggle through some of the government regulations and restrictions on new information. I hope for all of you that are speaking up about this campaign take a minute and at least link to the article so you can add it to your arsenal of information.

So many well placed distractions keeping our gaze fixed where they want and away from the things we should be seeing.

Please take some time to look at your skies every now and again,

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