Doing the Right Thing - Because it's the Right Thing to Do

Though no one can know the future- for each and every one of us- doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do, regardless of any guarantee of success or lack thereof, is the correct course. -Dane Wigington

At the end of this blog I will link the latest from the Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News weekly commercial free radio broadcast. Dane touches on some of the psychological reasons as to Why people are not waking up to what they are seeing all around them that pertains to human involvement in the climate change scenario. I have never been much on just dumping out the facts/information/data on any social media/content sharing platform as I have stated in a preivious blog titled "A Conspiracy Story". Today Dane pretty much hauled off and punched me in the gut at the end of this broadcast and made me realize that I need to do more than just share my photographs and videos of the climate engineering nightmare that goes on in my neck of the woods. But I will also say, with much emphasis, that if you also share my concerns of what is going on in the skies above our heads and are not taking the time to go through some of the data yourself and educate yourself then perhaps you should consider adding in an hour or two per week and at least glance through some of the information available to you that is simply a click away.


I took the above photograph this morning while trying to catch a lazy Sunday Sunrise and I just stood there going Why Can't People Get This? These two particular particulate trails spanned from horizon to horizon just about 9 miles NNW of Downtown Nashville, TN. Well as often as irony plays a part in my life Dane touches on some of the reasoning behind this in this broadcast and I do hope you can spare some time to listen to the whole broadcast but if not I have located some of the key points on the psychological areas and I have posted the time in the video where you need to go.

(5:12) Monkey with His Hand in the Jar:
This speaks in part about the 5G network that we are told is soon to roll out and Americans will be the first in the world to benefit from this new technology. Americans are the Monkeys - Our tech is what we refuse to drop even when we are told of it's hazardous consequences. This is a good portion to listen to as it leads into some of the later information which I have marked for you as well.

(40:30) Why aren't more people willing to wake up and face reality?
Dane shares a link from Motherboard.Vice.Com where we have an article by Brian Merchant titled: Apocalypse Neuro: Why Our Brains Don't Process the Gravest Threats to Humanity and I want to share a line or two from Brian's article but it is a short read should you choose to take a look for yourself.

Quoting B. Merchant "Our brains are incredible little mushboxes; they are unfathomably complex, powerful organs that grant us motor skills, logic, and abstract thought. Brains have bequeathed unto we humans just about every cognitive advantage, it seems, except for one little omission: the ability to adequately process the concept of long-term, civilization-threatening phenomena. They've proven miracle workers for the short-term survival of individuals, but the human brain sort of malfunctions when it comes to navigating wide-lens, slowly-unfurling crises like climate change.

Humans have, historically, proven absolutely awful, even incapable, of comprehending the large, looming—dare I say apocalyptic?—slowburn threats facing their societies." (end of quote)

Please listen to that section as Dane adds his own thoughts on this idea and if you have 15 minutes to spare then just listen from this point till the end.

(50:45) Confirmation Bias
Shahram Heshmat Ph.D. shares his thoughts in a short article titled What Is Confirmation Bias? and I have taken a short excerpt from that article here:

Quoting S. Heshmat Ph.D. "Confirmation bias occurs from the direct influence of desire on beliefs. When people would like a certain idea/concept to be true, they end up believing it to be true. They are motivated by wishful thinking. This error leads the individual to stop gathering information when the evidence gathered so far confirms the views (prejudices) one would like to be true.
Once we have formed a view, we embrace information that confirms that view while ignoring, or rejecting, information that casts doubt on it. Confirmation bias suggests that we don’t perceive circumstances objectively. We pick out those bits of data that make us feel good because they confirm our prejudices. Thus, we may become prisoners of our assumptions." (end of quote)

I will now add my initial quote from Dane in it's entirety.

"Though no one can know the future- for each and every one of us- doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do regardless of any guarantee of success or lack thereof is the correct course. All of us are a part of a whole and all of us have a responsibility to the whole; to our children, to all children- to the entire web of life on which the future of the children depends. What will you do to sound the alarm; peacefully, effectively and efficiently sharing credible data is key. Make your voice heard; the sand in the hourglass is quickly running out." -Dane Wigington

This above quote is at the end of the broadcast and while it is a constant theme in Dane's programs today it just gripped me in a way that it has not done so before and I am thankful. Why do I see the threat of climate engineering so clearly I cannot say. I have been aware that something was just not right well before I ever ran across Dane and he has with absolute certainty steered me in the right direction as to finding the facts and presenting them to the people I come across on my path. I have never taken a great deal of effort in connecting with people I do not know online and please forgive me but I am learning to do a better job at that too.

Please follow as I will be sharing more of this until they stop or I am no longer here. I will be as vigilant as the machine we are pushing against and I can honestly say there is not one single greater issue or desire in my heart more important than exposing the Global Geoengineering Campaign. You will also see from time to time that I make an attempt to get some of those fake upvotes and promotions on the blogs on this topic. I assure you I am in no way trying to profit off this as that would be complete madness to me. There is a fellow that has upvoted some of my blogs and I am using what I have gained there to help promote these and to make every attempt to upvote others that are posting good content in this same category.

If you decide to follow me please let me know in the comments below.

Thank You,

Here are some words of wisdom from a pudgy little Asian fellow-

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