5/8/18 - Aerosols at Dusk - Eye in the Sky - A Regular Chemapalooza!

Was a pretty clear day all day yesterday morning/afternoon but then right at dusk they came in and laid down some nasty. The dusk campaign goes against the thought that this is to cool the planet as all this would do is make it more challenging to displace the heat from the day into the upper atmosphere.

Below is a clear sign of the Giant Red Dragon aka Nibiru breathing it's beastly flames of judgement down upon our world! Well actually it's just the infrared lens filter. I really wish I could take Nibiru or some other planetary object off my table of possibilities. But hiding something in the sky still has enough validity that is has to stay on my table for now.


Starting off with this one from around the middle of the shoot. I have been seeing a lot of aerosol trails cutting on and off but have not been quick enough to film one with any quality. At the end of the very short video tell me you don't see a huge Eye in the Sky! Kinda tripped me out but still for me it goes in the coincidence stack. In the image it looks like the Chem shoots right out of the pupil.

Video Link

Here are some other photographs that I took of the Huge Chemical Cloud they dropped on me last night. It was all drifting directly overhead so I just went inside after this and stayed in.






Had a filter on these to bring out some evening colors





Thanks for taking a look and I'll have more up soon.

They never seem to stop...


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