Geoengineering: Weather Warfare

“He who controls the weather, will control the world.” - Lyndon Johnson in 1962


Johnson gave his speech with a tone much different than president John F. Kennedy gave a year earlier. Kennedy talked about a peaceful cooperation between nations to control the world's weather in order to mitigate related catastrophes, and to prosper together economically. Johnson painted a much more sinister picture of the situation with warfare and global domination as the central goal. As most of us know, Kennedy was shot to death in Texas, and Johnson became president of the United States. President Johnson’s vision would come to fruition over Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in a secret mission unknown to the general public, or even the U.S.congress.


Also undisclosed to the Thai government, Operation Popeye would launch from Udom Royal Thai Air Force Base with hopes of creating mudslides, washing out roads and bridges and generally creating mayhem to military supply lines and maneuvers. A U.S special forces base was a first hand witness to the effectiveness of this covert warfare. They were said to have gotten nine inches of rain in four hours. This was an early large scale, successful test to gauge the effectiveness of weather control for military use. It would not be the last.


In the ensuing decades the U.S. government would pour billions of “dark” dollars to supply project like HAARP in order to use the weather itself as a weapon. This week Dane Wigington at talks about the thousand year drought events staged all over the Middle East. These countries caught in the U.S.crosshairs of global geoengineering have testified to the United Nations to the fact only to be ignored.

Listen to Dane, he explains it better than I ever could;

Stay awake, my friends. Look around you, ask questions, seek the truth.

xoxo, b.

Just Beth.jpg

All pictures taken by me with my Nexus phone or from Pixabay

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