Employers' Genetics

George Bernard Shaw is a great Irish-born writer. His intelligence was so remarkable that Shaw had been awarded the Nobel Prize for literature, as well as an Oscar recipient for his work that was lifted to the silver screen. So amazing was the intelligence of a George Bernard Shaw, that it was said he had been applied for by a beautiful actress. With the intention, in order to produce a beautiful descendant like his mother, and intelligent like his father. However, Shaw then replied, "Then what if we have children with brains like you, and faces like me?"

Yes so according to the science of genetics. That many things we inherit from generation to generation from our parents. Our skin is brown, our hair is black, our nose is not pointed. Up to things that are non-physical, such as certain traits or talents. So many singer's children later became singers, the general's son became an army, and the merchant's son became a trader. Understandably, the talent of his parents flowed in their blood.

This is what sometimes makes me a little jealous of my colleagues who come from business families. It is very natural if they then pursue business. Even not infrequently they can immediately start learning to do business by continuing the business that their parents have pioneered. This is far different from me, because my family is not a business family at all.

Because I did not have this "merchant blood", when I started doing business frankly I had doubts. Is it the way I take? Don't I have no talent at all? I have checked my family lineage from my father or mother, if in the runn up all are government employees. So sure, surely, 100%, positive, there are no merchant genes in my body. For artistic talent, maybe there are still a little because my parents love the art of music. Talent to be a speaker, maybe there is a little trickle, because my grandfather was a village leader and a very good speaker. But doing business? trade? buy and sell? None at all.

So when my first attempt did not go well, I then reminded myself. "It failed, but there is no trade talent ..."

I even had time to believe that trading talent was inherited. And try to accept the fact that I am not one of those who inherited this talent. However, then slowly I observed, it turns out many of my friends who despite his parents successful entrepreneurs, yet also can experience failure in business. This is a little open to my insight. Wow, it turns out the same, the one who has the "talent" trade can also fail. Not to mean "thank you", but this slightly opened my hopes, that maybe talent was not a determining factor to become a successful entrepreneur.

Or is it possible that one's talent can change?

Is Prof. Kazuo Murakami, a geneticist, in his book The Divine Message of The DNA which then opened my horizons more broadly. It turns out that according to the science of genetics is true, everything that is "talent" is determined by the genetic code in our DNA. As an illustration, every kilogram of our body consists of about 1 trillion cells. So a newborn baby already has about 3 trillion cells. Though at first we were just one fertilized cell. Which then divides into 2, 2 becomes 4, 4 becomes 8 and so on up to the trillions. Each cell has a nucleus that contains Deoxyribo nucleic acid (DNA). This DNA is what stores the genetic code that is the blueprint of our body. So it will be what we are, as if it seems to have been programmed in the DNA.

Then if in every cell of our body there is the same DNA, how a cell knows that it is part of the hair, for example, and when hair begins to grow, According to geneticists, apparently there is a mechanism "on / off" on the DNA. For example, genes that determine male sexual properties (mustaches, heavy sounds, etc.) that were originally "off" will "light up" at puberty.

Even further. The on / off process turns out to occur as a changing environmental response. Two scientists from the Pasteur Institute observed this. E.Coli bacteria that consume only glucose, it turns out when placed in a lactose-only environment, is able to transform itself into a lactose eater. The internal mechanism is very magical, because bacteria are single cell creatures. So that the changes become lactose eaters as if they ignite an ability that was not originally seen.

And this has tremendous consequences. Because if it is true the gene carrying the trait has a flaming mechanism like that. We never know what potential in us we have not yet turned on. Maybe I also have the talent to play saxophone as good as Dave Koz, only this time it's not turned on. Or maybe there is business talent as good as Donald Trump is still hidden in me, and waiting to be turned on?

And indeed that is according to Prof. Murakami. That a person's talent can appear at any age. There are so many examples of musicians or sportsmen who originally only showed "talent" that was ordinary, but then grew unusually along with the discipline and training that was carried out. Or someone who is today known as a genius scientist, even though his elementary school friends know him first as a less intelligent child. Or someone who is today known as a great politician and orator, while a child once a kid. So if your child today is less good at math, discordant when singing, or lack of achievement in orahraga. You do not have to rush frustrated while shouting "Ah, basic not talent". Who knows, the positive genes of the talent carrier are not yet on.

An important factor that will be able to activate your positive genes is the environment. So what makes Ananda Mikola good at driving race cars is not just because her father is a racer. But because the environment is very conditioned he became a racer. If you rely solely on hereditary talent, then the most phenomenal Formula 1 driver today, Lewis Hamilton, will be a trainee employee like his grandfather, or become an IT consultant like his father. However, the talent of racing Lewis turned on when his father gave Go Kart as a Christmas present. And it was even more blazing when Ron Dennis, the McLaren team boss.

So, you who don't have "merchant talent" like me don't need to worry. Your talent carrier genes can light up later. And those of you who feel you have "trade talent", congratulations ... You already have the initial capital. Be careful though, with no environmental support and the right attitude, your talent gene genes can be extinguished.

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