Although learning is the accumulation of knowledge, it is the process of acquiring knowledge about already made, facts, philosophy, theory, principle and strategies. But what is the main purpose of learning?
Learning started right from when we were been weaned by our mothers and we bit her, she hits us and say ‘’don’t wound me’’. Many of us still finds it hard to eat at a friend’s place for the very first time, same lesson our parents thought us, those days when we eat a neighbour’s house and our parent sees us and smile you already know what that means . all what we do now are based on what we have learned from our environment which means learning is not only when you sit and jot down what you are been thought.
Now let’s get to the real fact
There are two types of learners: the computer learner and the anti-computer learner. These I will carefully explain, computer is a person employed to perform computation or to compute. Where compute means to reckon or calculate to make sense. So with this I say learning is the process of computing information. When we learn we are meant to compute the information disseminated to us in the following process; INPUT» PROCESS»OUTPUT

These are the three stages an information learnt has to pass through. A computer learner is a person who inputs & process and information before outputting it, while an Anti-computer learner is a person who inputs, does not process but output the information. Most people fall under the category of Anti-computer learner, there learn a particular information and pass it across the same way. Although when an information is being passed from one person to another, the information is either subtracted or added to, it can never be intact. But some Anti-computer learner are so gullible that they pack the information in their brain and the same way they were thought they transfer to others.
E.g. the saying ‘’the patient dog eat the fattest bone’’ has made some people wait till eternity, even when the fattest bone arrive they believe they still have to be patient because another one bigger than that is still coming.

But a computer learner will know how to input the information and ask himself; what if I wait and the fattest bone never comes?, what next after getting the fattest bone?, can’t I just turn a tiny bone into the fattest bone? These questions opens his mind to a whole new world of idea, he processes the information before letting it out. The output of most information we learn is action, it have an effect on our character, attitude, and behaviour. We either teach what we learn or act what we learn. 

NOTE: - if you learn an information from a _1500 encyclopedia 1245690_L.jpgmaterial and do not process it before disseminating it, you are worth not more than _1500. Because anyone can get what you know from the same book but no one can pay for your innovative idea.
So for the time being, input the information posted by the editorial team on the notice board, process it before teaching or acting it out.

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