Air your opinions: What should she do? What is the right course of action and what is the moral one?

Air your opinions: What should she do? What is the right course of action and what is the moral one?
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We have often heard that “what is moral is not always legal and what is legal is not always moral”. Well, today’s controversial topic treads a similar path as we go through the travails of a desperate woman and air our opinions on what her course of action should be.
Keep in mind that morality is usually dependent on the particular society. However, there are certain standards across various cultures.
At the end of this narration, you air your opinion, deciding what you believe the moral course of action would be, and what the right course of action would be.
Karl Max, a philosopher and political scientist who contributed immensely to the study of Economics and Political Science had seven children with his loyal and faithful wife. Unfortunately, Karl and his wife despite their efforts could not provide enough for their children and four of them ended up dying of starvation. His wife, being a good and loyal wife did not leave him to run after another man. She stayed with her husband through thick and thin even though she had to watch her children die.
Some would say she was not a good mother to those children because she did not consider every option necessary to make sure they did not go hungry or die of starvation. Some would say she chose being a good wife over being a good mother. Now, we see that it is possible for a woman to be torn between being a good mother and being a good wife.
A beautiful woman gets married to the man of her dreams. They both work hard and provide for their six children. However, tragedy soon strikes and their country is plunged into a recession worse than can be imagined. The couple no longer make enough money to feed their children, not to talk of clothing or giving them good healthcare.
Now, at this same time, there is a rich and handsome young man desperately in love with this troubled woman. He wants her to leave her husband and marry him. She has blatantly refused all the while, choosing to be a good wife.
Her first child dies of starvation and she looks on in pain while being a good wife to her husband. Then, three of her children are hungry, horribly sick and need healthcare, which the couple cannot afford. But this rich admirer promises her a better life for her children. He promises to make sure they are well fed and taken care of. He promises good healthcare and good education for all her children if she would only divorce her husband and marry him.
If she sticks with her husband and remains a good wife, her children die. If she chooses to be a mother and protect her children at all cost, she risks being a bad wife and being disloyal and unfaithful to her husband. I personally think that if worse comes to worst, she should take the unsavory option and save her children.
But what is your opinion? What is the moral thing to do in this situation? What is the right thing to do? Good mother or good wife? Which should she become? Would it be moral to be a good wife instead of being a good mother? Or would it be moral to be a good mother over being a good wife?
Air your views objectively.

I am not in defense of any kind of immorality. I merely believe a person should do what is best and progressive (whatever best handles issues and leaves everything fine, calm and with less casualties).

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