Thoughts on Genesis Mining finally returning to Daily payouts

Thoughts on Genesis Mining finally returning to Daily payouts

It's really about time that Genesis Mining (GM) returned to what they promised us in their mining contract. Gone were the dark days where they breached their trust in us, failing to deliver what's they promised in the mining contract, when they failed in delivering their daily payouts to us. That follows their security breach, supposedly. Our frustration is obvious, in this GM subreddit community and all over Twitter. You guys on Reddit did a great job in showing your displeasure in a civil matter, albeit sometimes in a less pleasant way, that was effectively communicated to GM to get their mining payouts and availablity of contracts back together to business as usual.
We got through this together as a community, where we had gained a few valuable insights:

  1. We learnt the importance of listening to opinions of others before judging
  2. We understood that it is more effective to find out the truth by looking into the situation deeper ourselves
  3. To effectively communicate our options to others by doing so in a civil manner.

I really hope this is the last time GM placed our patience and trust, as customers, to the test. And personally, I am really glad that I have this GM subreddit community to rely on for valuable advice and timely updates :)

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