Genesis League Sports GOALS Social Media Promotion - MLSPA Packs on the line!


Genesis League Sports GOALS Social Media Promotion - MLSPA Packs on the line!

Invennium Corp, the company leading development of the Genesis League Sports GOALS video game in partnership with the Major League Soccer Players Association is pleased to announce a Social Media Promotion.

We'll be tweeting out a contest on Twitter to get the word out to Soccer fans. The winner of the daily contest will be eligible for a small handful of MLSPA packs, which were the first packs for sale for the game.

No purchase is necessary. To participate all you need to do is find the most recent post on and make a comment (that includes your hive username). The comment with the most likes in approximately 24 hours will receive 1-5 MLSPA season 1 packs!

Packs will be tabulated throughout the next 25 days, and distributed sometime in March. Players are eligible to win more than once and are encouraged to participate in every daily contest.

First contest is here:

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