Genesis League Goals - Season 2 Alpha Plan

Genesis League Goals - Season 2 Alpha Plan

We're thrilled to unveil our alpha plan for Season 2 of Genesis League Goals, building upon the successes and challenges of Season 1. Here's a quick look back at what Season 1 had to offer:

  • Quick & Dynamic 7v7 Gameplay
  • Ranked & Tier System
  • Team Management including subs, reserves & dynamic stats
  • Skills and Slots

While Season 1 was a strong starting point, it faced various challenges as new features were introduced. For instance, the complexity of team management grew significantly with additions like substitutions, roster points, skills and dynamic stats. Similarly, gameplay evolved from its initial simplicity to incorporate dynamic stats, substitutions, and specialized skills, but balancing the game's appeal to both casual and sophisticated fans became a delicate task.

Season 2 Plan

With these challenges in mind, our Season 2 plan aims to address these issues while making the game more enjoyable and soccer-like.

Team Management Overhaul

To streamline the team management experience, we're implementing a two-step process:

Step 1: Validator-related actions will be consolidated, allowing all NFT assets to be staked to the team without affecting gameplay. This creates a team inventory akin to a soccer team's locker room.

Step 2: Once assets are staked, users can freely modify their team without blockchain transactions. This includes formations, player arrangements, skill attachments, and more, enhancing flexibility and dynamism.

11v11 Gameplay & Landscape Mode

Expanding from 7v7 to 11v11 gameplay introduces more positional possibilities and strategic depth. Additionally, landscape mode provides a broader field view, enhancing the soccer-like experience.

New Strategies

Challenge Mode: Players can engage in challenge matches and organized tournaments with access to Season 1 and Season 2 reward pools.

Formations: With improved team management and 11v11 gameplay, formations play a crucial role, offering strategic flexibility and enhancing gameplay depth.

Equipments & Skills: Season 2 introduces special equipments and skills, accessible only through packs, providing additional layers of strategy.

Team Leveling & Presets: Multiple team presets allow adaptation to various gameplay rules, enhancing tournament competitiveness.

Season 1 vs Season 2

After thorough discussions and community feedback, we've opted for a single, upgraded game mode for both seasons, focusing on team management and gameplay overhaul. This ensures Season 1 cards retain value while Season 2 introduces exciting new strategies accessible through Season 2 packs.

In summary, Season 2 promises an enhanced game mode where both Season 1 and Season 2 cards can be used with new strategies for glory and rewards. As we continue development, we'll share updates on design decisions, emphasizing our commitment to advancing web3 gaming. Your support and enthusiasm drive us, and we're dedicated to delivering a remarkable gaming experience.

Thank you for your continued support, and know that we're working hard to deliver an improved Season 2 experience that we hope will both attract new users and excite existing users.

Join our discord server for latest updates. Don't forget to follow us on twitter and facebook.

Official Links
GLS Website:
GLG Website:
Help Center:
GLS Whitepaper:
GLG Whitepaper:
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