2019 - The Hardest Year of My Life

I thought this might be a good place for me to share. This year has probably been the hardest for me. Almost impossible. 😑


There's a lot I wanted to happen, a lot of plans in mind, but I guess it just wasn't my time. I guess it just wasn't right for me in the long term.

I quit my unrewarding, unsatisfying job

I lost 90% of my savings because of wrong investments

My Relationship is sometimes toxic and extremely hurtful

I doubted my capacity. I lost faith and belief in myself and I found myself in tears many times over wondering what had happened. It's hard to sleep.

I know there are people who are off a lot worse than me. People with no food and shelter that sometimes make me feel I don't have the right to complain with my life. What make things worst is the feeling of being frustrated, but I realized it is ok not to be ok. We are all fighting our own battles.

I’ve learned so much about life and myself this year. Sometimes you need to let you go of your plans and accept the new path that life has lead you on.

No matter what. Life must go on. You can get through bad times and keep looking for better ones, as long as you have people who love you. 😊💕

Everything happens for a reason. We should always stay positive.

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