Will This Shit Ever End? Canada's Changing it's Anthem to Make It "Gender Neutral"


So I just learned Canada is tweaking our national anthem to make it more gender neutral. I don't even know what that means really except the line that says, "in all our sons command" will now be, "in all of us command"

To be fair I was never really sure what that line meant? Maybe saying sons and not mentioning daughters was a slight to women I dont know, really who even gives a fuck? Was this keeping people up at night?

Honestly we could use a total reworking or just scrap it and come up with a better version altogether!

I'm super patriotic, I love Canada but 'Oh Canada' just plain sucks. If we're gonna change some of the wording we should have just come up with a whole new anthem in my opinion.

So now our anthem is gender neutral. Neutral means not going forward or back I'd like to just add. Like if you're sitting in neutral in your car you aren't going anywhere right? Yeah our anthem is neutral as a motherfucker 😁

I just found out about this a few minutes ago reading a Global News story. I took the poll to see the results..


Seems the majority of those polled didn't want the change. They didn't ask anyone though they just changed it. I suspect our female Prime Minister had something to do with this, Justine Turdhole. Popular round the world except with the people here in Canada 😝 Seriously she's a moron

Anyways this may seem like a rant but I've already stopped caring. It just seems like we're changing everything we can now just for the sake of change or for fear we maybe upsetting a couple people. Were any Canadian chicks that follow me offended by the old version, let me know in the comments?

Maybe I'll take minute and type out the old anthem incase anyone wasn't up on this spectacular piece of work..

Oh Canada
Our home on Native Land
True patriot love
*In all our sons command
With glowing hearts we see the rise
Our true north strong and free
From far and wide Oh Canada
We stand on guard for thee
God keep our land, glorious and free
Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee
Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee

Ok that's it. Three of the lines are the same for Christ sakes, how uncreative is that? And if we're changing the words now to make ppl feel included what about the non religious or atheists that have to say "God keep our land?" The hell is that shit?

Blah that's enough I'm going to bed now

Thanks for letting me vent,


Flag picture courtesy of the flagstore.ca

Use the promo code 'GoldenWiener' to save 0.06% off your next flag purchase. Just kidding there's no discount and I'm not affiliated with them in any manner. Can I get sued for this? Let me know in the comments. Ok really going to bed now..


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