Singer Sam Smith has a question.

"I don't know what the title would be, but I feel just as much woman as I am man," he explained, talking about his love for dressing in heels (“I love a heel. I’ve got loads of heels at home.”).

He goes on to say that, “There was one moment in my life where I didn't own a piece of male clothing, really. I would wear full make-up every day in school, eyelashes, leggings with Dr. Martens and huge fur coats, for 2.5 years,” 

Sam understands that he is a homosexual.

Historicly the behavior that Sam Smith expresses would earn him the title of cross dresser.  As far as his question goes about not knowing how to label how he feels, the feelings that Sam is having is consistant with having a split personality.  I place a lot of blame on the educational system, because it is not incorrect for you to have thoes feelings.  However if you act on thoes feelings that is wrong.  (Its like someone saying that they just want to light things on a large degree a person can not help wanting to play with fire, but when the thoughts turn into actions that is when that person earns the title of criminaly insane.)

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