Gender Dichotomization

Gender dichotomization actually affects most people negatively, but it's a lens they dont see it through. every social issue has many facets to it and aspects and lenses to look through and the only way to get a full picture of the whole is to examine every factor. i think a lot of people find it uncomfortablr to discuss topics like gender and sexuality in depth because it forces them to overcome a lot of things that they have been conditioned to believe in as normal, even though a lot of modern gender norms are actually a little bit absurd. but thats a whole other conversation. my point is, when you really go in depth looking at the way gender and sex as a whole impact our social lives you have to break down a lot of pre concieved notions of how things "should" be. like the whole "women should do this, women should be this, men should do this, men should be this," etc. when you let go of the idea that you must ascribe yourself to one side of the polarity rather than letting yourself find a balance within it, you find you stop holding yourself back in a Lot of ways. and that balance is going to look different and be different for each person, and some people require alchemization of the physical self (hormones, surgery, etc) to find that balance, and some dont. but that balance exists within us all in some way. the problem is how many people are unable to see it that way, and instead force themself to one side or the other and try to force others to do the same. a big part of it is division makes people easier to control, so the more you can exploit the gender dividr the better it is for business and profit, which is why the porn industry and sex trafficking industry are so huge. not to mention the psychological impact on Everyone in a culture that views sex in such a commodified way

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