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RE: RE: Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Gender Roles, and Sex: The circular logic that keep the public spinning in the midst of the transgender movement.
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RE: Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Gender Roles, and Sex: The circular logic that keep the public spinning in the midst of the transgender movement.

RE: Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Gender Roles, and Sex: The circular logic that keep the public spinning in the midst of the transgender movement.

Also I notice Steempink Penny wrote a whole post on her page as a rebuttal to this post of yours.

She mentions among other things in her long winded post something about how being defined a WOMAN always comes back to having a Vagina.

I would say the biggest difference between MAN and Woman is not Penis vs Vagina- but the MIND. Therefore no amount of Surgery or Hormones will ever Transform a Man or Woman - into the Opposite sex.

Also she notes that GENDER is ASSIGNED to THEM IN THE WOMB.

Amazing, I'm not even going to comment on this one- because the amount of time to write it down all the ways this is -blatantly ridiculous this position of her is- would keep me here at my computer all day.

Then she even goes to mention that she ran down your circular non-logical & discrimination & hatred of TRANS people by her

8 year old niece & even she saw thru it.

AMAZING! Just exactly the point/issue I have with this WHOLE Transgender Agenda- the BRAINWASHING of Little Kids.

I - right now have an 8 year old niece living with me. She just turned 8. She is a smart, inquisitive kid. Never in a Million Fucking Years- is any 8 year old kids- either old enough or mature to fully grasp all of this. Not to mention that 8 years old kids are NOT SEXUAL. Immersing an 8 Year old into this ADULT Issue that does involve sexual matters & the many deep facets of Human Psychology - IS NOT APPROPRIATE for any 8 year old child.

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