Butterflies have to be the most ethereal of insects -

Everyone you talk to comments on the blue butterflies that are flying around the Sunshine Coast. No-one has any explanations, only questions and wonderment. Why are they here? They are so pretty and so fluttery, they only land for a very short time on blossoms and then flutter off again.

Taking photos is almost impossible because they do to settle for long anywhere, so it is a waiting game holding the camera still and ready. Patience is the key! Check out the many fluttery butterflies on this blossom tree. It was the best I could do, trust me they are there!


Unfortunately for me the fluttering butterflies only wanted to land on the blossoms of trees much taller than me, which made taking pics of them rather challenging. Never deterred and never beaten here are a few shots that I managed with a black and white for the finale.




To finish off here is a close up of a dying blue butterfly I saw on the footpath as I walked along yesterday. Of course I took the photo opportunity for close up shots. I know butterflies do not live long once they come out of their third stage called the chrysalis. It is sad to see them dying but I thanked it and took it home to put in my garden.



According to Steven D. Farmer author of Animal Spirit Guides if Butterfies show up, it means:
Lighten up and stop taking everything so seriously.
Get ready for a big change, on where an old habit, way of thinking or lifestyle is going out, and a new way of being is emerging.
It's time to make the changes you've been considering.
In spite of the challenges, you'll get through this transition, and as always know that "this too shall pass."
Express yourself by wearing more colourful clothing.

Stay well and safe folks

Cheers and Blessings


Since it is Friday, here is a little Facebook funny that made me laugh


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