Charles Darwin and His Theory of Evolution

The theory of evolution was discovered by a scientist named Charles Darwin. He didn’t develop this theory completely by himself. He had the help from early thinkers who all had the same idea’s but not completely correct. 

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Charles Darwin was born on the 12th of February, 1809 in England, The Mount Shrewsbury. He has a huge influence on all science today. His theory of evolution opened new doors for other scientist to discover many more theories of the world. In 1831, he went on a five-year investigation trip around the world on the HMS Beagle. During the years of traveling around the world, he studied many different and unique organisms which led him to the theory of evolution as well as Natural Selection. It was extremely challenging for Darwin because he was born and raised in a time where people believed that the Earth was only 6000 years old and all animals where born approximately the same time. In order for him to develop his theory of evolution, he had to go against what most people believed was true.  

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Luckily, there were other earlier scientist: Jean Baptiste Lamarck, Charles Lyell and Thomas Malthus who had similar ideas to help Charles Darwin improve his theory. Jean Baptiste Lamarck was a French naturalist. He was the first scientist to suggest that species change over time. He believed that traits developed in one’s own life time cannot be passed on to offspring, his theory wasn’t entirely correct, but it did assist Charles Darwin. Charles Lyell was an English geologist. He believed that the Earth must have been far older than most people thought. And finally Thomas Malthus was an English economized. He wrote an essay explaining that populations can grow without the necessary resources, as population becomes over populated, disease and famine will break out. Only the fittest will survive, which is similar to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.  

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Evolution is basically got to do with species changing over time, to form new species. All organisms came from a common ancestor, but over time, these organisms evolved. There’s lots of variation between all organisms. But only the best and fittest organisms will survive. Some organisms died out, because they couldn’t change to match earth’s challenges. There were also many that survived. The process is called Natural Selection.  

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Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is one topic that always fascinates me. Most people don’t agree with this theory. Some people believe in more supernatural explanation’s, instead of what was proven in science. I personally think that people also evolved to become the modern human we know of today. And we need to make sure that only the most intelligent individuals make it through to the next generation, through teaching and encouraging the young to be better. 


Got information also from school textbook and self-knowledge  

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