It's a few weeks before a big test and you are nervous and have no idea how you're going to make it. All of a sudden, the work you were once good at becomes so difficult. You have no idea where to start! 

 Stop wasting your time pondering about it. Stop the stressing, anxiety, and negativity. Keep a positive attitude and tell yourself, "I can do it." Obviously, you have to put in the effort as well. 

Here are a few tips to help you get through it:

  • Firstly, you should start eating healthier and exercise regularly, because this helps with your concentration levels. Stay away from junk food, sugar and foods that make you tired. 
  • Wake up early every morning and start studying. The best time to study is early in the morning when your mind is still fresh. 
  • Do some practice on your work that you're going to be tested on. After you have diagnosed your strong points and weak points, finish all the practice on the work you can do. 
  • After you have finished practicing the work that you find easy, it will be out of the way and you can start with the things you struggle with. 
  • There are lots of online videos and practice for whatever it is that you are studying. Go through it and always remember that practice makes perfect. 

I hope these tips are helpful. Thank you for reading my post, and good luck studying! 

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