How the Christians Were Deceived

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    Christians of the world, in your support for the land of israel, You have been fooled. The true Israel your Bible is referring to is the man named israel and his teachings, ie: belief in there being one true God. That belief itself IS 'Israel' and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the usurpers calling themselves jews who have set up the illegitimate state of israel in occupied Palestine.

    In the original Biblical narrative, the true believers in one true God were called "Israelites" as they followed the teachings of the man Jacob who was renamed Israel. After that came those who followed the same teachings later preached by Jesus. They were called Judeans named so after the state Jesus was born in (Judea), or they were sometimes also called Judahites, or Yehudi.

    All such people - those who adhered to the mindset called israel, ie: the belief in the one true God - were "those who chose God" and who set themselves apart from those who chose rather to follow the laws of the state, who were known as "nations".

    However in the mid 1700's King James rewrote the Bible and altered the original narrative inasmuch as he consolidated and then changed the original terms Israelites, Judeans, Yehudi and Judahites, to all simply become "jews" in order to make it appear as an ethnicity. And he also changed the word Nations to become Gentiles in order to create the concept of a different race, apart from the newly invented "jews" .

    This then also allowed the flipping of "those who chose God" ie: the Biblical "Israelites" to become "Gods chosen people" ie: It can now be presented as referring to "israelis" ie: those who claim to come from the Holy Land where Israel, the man (and later Jesus the messiah he spoke of coming) both preached their Ministries. The place that had been known ever since as The Holy Land of Israel.

    But Israel was never a country, and it was never a race of people. It was simply a belief that God was supreme to the state, and that Gods law should prevail over the laws of men. And the Holy land of Israel simply refers to those lands where the message of Christ had been first taught. In modern day terms, Jesus Christ was essentially an anarchist who taught that there is no authority that exists between a living man and God, and that there is no state power that should hold itself higher than God. In other words, either you are of God (Gods law), or you are of the Nations (mans law, the law of the state).

    The inserting of the words Jew and Gentile into the Bible by King James, changed the entire message. This was done in order to create and support the separation of the races and create the perceived privileged status of the usurpers who now call themselves jews. Those who now control Palestine and the lands where Jesus was said to have been born. And any Biblical scholar will well know that we are told Jesus spoke of these usurpers himself:

    "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." - Jesus Christ

    and also when he said:

    "You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.'
    - Jesus Christ

    In fact, if you are a practicing Christian who is true to your faith, then to even vaguely claim that the modern state of israel and those who inhabit it has even a remote connection to the Biblical Israelites is tantamount to Blasphemy.

    Those who now occupy the land of Palestine and who dare to call it the state israel (ie: a nation and thus the very opposite of what the word actually means), are truly the most evil, vile and sadistic people on earth. They are a cult of death who work in the shadows and who, over many years have created every problem we see in the world today. And what they are in the process of doing now, if people do not wake up, is ushering in an evil to control this world, the likes of which people have never known.

    To learn more about how this works I highly recommend three books to you:
    1: "The Invention of the Jewish People" by Schlomo Sand (a jew and history professor at Tel Aviv University)
    2: "The Invention of The Land of Israel - From Holy Land to Homeland" also by Schlomo Sand .
    And most importantly...
    3: "Who Rewrote the Bible" by Dr Lorraine Day

    Every Christian who has been brainwashed into supporting the modern and wholly invented state of israel in whatever atrocity it commits, should read all three of these book in order to better understand the true meaning of their faith and what the messages really were.

    Thanks for reading

    - Max Igan
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