Chub Dating Sites kinda suck

Hello, I'm Dr. McMann and as per usual, a question and then the meat.

Anonymously asked on Tumblr, "What do you think about furries?" I'm a furry myself but unfortunately the furry fandom is filled to the brim with cancer. The fandom is full of SJW's who are perpetually butthurt and full of nothing but constant drama and honestly I'd personally just not be involved in any of that garbage and I would personally prefer to stay away from being associated with that kind of ilk. I know I'm not alone in that regard when it comes to the cancer that's festering in the furry community. Take for example there's a furry commedian that's very politically incorrect named 2 Griffin. He was banned from a furry convention because of complaints from butthurt furries that he hurts their feelings so the convention organizers took the liberty of just banning 2 outright saying he's unwelcome at the event. Granted it only takes that small, very vocal and very loud minority royally fuck everything up for everyone else. After it was revealed that 2 was not allowed at the convention in question, the convention practically died as very few people showed up. The one's that did show up? They were the one's perpetually offended at everything and complained about everything, and complained about 2 to get him deplatformed for his comedy show. Ultimately, the very loud and very vocal minority of the perpetually offended ended up killing that particular furry convention because they such a small minority that they alone can't keep a convention afloat. Ultimately, they ended up having to cancel the convention before it could really even start off.

Similar things happen elsewhere all the time. A controversial shit stirring furry wears a fursuit with the confederate battle flag built into it's design. And furries that love to claim they're all about tolerance, acceptance, drama free zone building, anti-violence, etc starting spilling drinks on and even cutting up to destroy said fursuit while the person was walking around wearing said fursuit. Literally destroyed a fursuit the first hour it was out on the floor because they were offended by it's design and putting the wearer of the fursuit in danger and destroying private property. So much for being tolerant, accepting, drama free and being anti-violence. Dickheads.

Not to mention the whole thing with groping and yiffing in public that makes the rest of furries look bad. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about some furry porn, got a good collection of it my self on my hard drive, however to grope, fondle and be perverted in public and make a complete sickening ass of yourself in front of everyone to see in a high class hotel establishment makes not only the convention staff and organizers look like complete shit, but it makes the rest of the furries in the fandom look like shit too. There's a good reason why so many people hate us, and it's because of the SJW's and public fucking. That kind of crap seriously needs to stop.

And now, to the meat which is going to be shorter than the question oddly enough this time around. As I've stated before I'm a married gay dude, but I'm also a fat married gay dude, but I still love to look at other fat guys to drool over their naughty pics because let's face it, being male I'm a visual creature and I'm rather perverted. So needless to say I'm on a couple gay chub related communities. SJW cancerous infection that's rife within the gay community in general aside, there's one major thing that's always perplexed me and that's the chubby chaser that pretends to be a chub in order to try attracting chub4chubs. They'll make great effort to push out their stomach and bend backwards a bit to make themselves look as fat as they can, but when they're no longer trying to look chubby you can practically count their spine from their stomach.

There's already shit tons of chubs that want chasers, granted a lot of those chubs seeking chasers, and by a lot I mean the majority of them, are actually rather ugly in the face, there are a few good looking chub seeking chaser here and there whereas the chub4chubs all seem to be rather good looking fat guys. So I can see why they would want to try sacking a chub4chub but the illusion would be killed immediately once seen in person (even at a distance).

Personally, I'm uncomfortable around chubby chasers. I personally find the chubby form of a guy adorable, especially chubby cheeks on their faces and I love how soft another fat guy's body is to snuggle into. However with chubby chasers, they find it very sexually arousing to the point that it's legit a major fetish for them. So between feeling like an object of someone's fetish that just see's me as a way of getting their rocks off and them being a slender person in general because let's face it I'm generally uncomfortable around slender guys since I feel I'm being judged by them as a disgusting creature, even if they find me so sexually attractive that they bust a nut by me merely saying "Hello".

Apparently, though, to the chubs seeking chasers, not worshipping the ground that a chaser walks on is considered to be a grave sin that needs to be ridiculed and harassed for non stop. They'll say that it's a horrible thing to feel uncomfortable around a chaser and then compare it to a white person being uncomfortable around a black person, when a more real comparison would be a black person being uncomfortable around cops. But to them, they don't see it because they are personally comfortable and OK with it and they're also lusting after a chubby chaser.

So all I can say is "Listen here you fat fuck, look at yourself in the mirror and count your chins and jelly rolls. You can't control yourself for 10 fucking minutes without stuffing your face full of junk food and downing it with sugary drinks like Mountain Dew and Coke getting so large to the point you look like you're about to explode. Your dick legit looks like a scared turtle that only pokes it's head out every so often and you're expecting someone that has self control to come over and be in a personal relationship with you, your expectations are retarded." Why do I say that? Because the non stop whining from that group of people, the chubs, that whine non-stop about how they can't seem to find a relationship. Meanwhile, the majority of chub4chubs I run into, like myself, already have meaningful relationships and seem to be there for the same reason I'm on those communities, for community here and there with similar individuals and to perv out.

So to those chubs that want a meaningful relationship, here's how you handle that and accomplish that goal. Stop drooling and only going for guys that are chubby chasers, because they're literally only using you for a quick fuck. You're nothing more than someone who will suck them off, swallow their cum and someone who will gleefully take their dick in your ass to be used as a cum recepticle and once they bust their nut, they're out the door looking for the next gullible chub hungry for emptying their balls. You're a chub seeking a chaser, you're basically a chasers quick and easy fuck, a fast way for them to get their balls emptied. I've been in your shoes before, where I'd go for the chubby chasers, and every single time, the relationship didn't last longer than a few months at best. Most are just over horny thin guys that know you're fat as hell and they believe once they're out that door, you'll have trouble finding another guy, so they'll be with you for as long as their lust for you lasts, which isn't long, then they're off to the next chub and the cycle continues.

Take some advice from someone with age for a change. There's a reason that the vast majority of guys who are chub4chub are older men aged 30+ and next to none of us between 18 and 29. We've been there, done that, wrote the book, seen the tour, started the band and went on tour ourselves, did the obligitory book signing deals then wrote the documentary. Don't discount us because we're older.

Apparently this is longer than I first thought because I have a lot to say. Next bit on the list is the weird as hell to see but does happen Chaser4Chaser. This one I don't personally understand on the gay chub sites. Chubby Chaser 4 Chubby Chaser. How this ends up being displayed is a thin or muscular guy picks from a list of options that describes himself and he selects "Chaser" then in the list of kinds of guys he's interested in, he selects "Chaser" again. It's like the idiot thinks the chub site is like Grindr, so if he selects he's a thin guy looking for thin guys that some thin guy will go "Oh god I love how sexy you are, I can count your spine from your stomach that's soooo freaking hot." but do they ever get a response? Yes, they do, and it's usually mockery because of how much of an idiot they are for going to a gay chub community site as a slender guy trying to hook up with other slender guys.

One of the major things that irritates me quite a bit are the idiots that don't bother to read profiles, now this is on pretty much any sort of dating like community. Growlr, Chasabl, BiggerCity, Grindr, doesn't matter, take your pick. I have it in my profile that I'm already happily married, I'm not looking for sex, that I'm not interested in chubby chasers in the slightest and that I'm solely there to make new friends with other gay fat guys that my hubby and I can potentially hang out with from time to time, and for me it's partially to slowly come out of my shell and potentially get more in person social interactions instead of self imposed isolation. It's even on there that I'm deaf.

So what kind of messages do I get? A lot of chubby chasers telling me quote "I'd love to fuck that hole of yours" unquote and "You enjoy sucking dick?" and yet still others start asking me about my tastes in music and try sharing music videos with me. There's quite a few people that have "No sex, just looking for friends in my area similar to myself" on these kinds of sites and apps. I also have in my profiles "I'm looking for people in my local area for friends only, not looking for sex. If you're across the country from me or you're a foreigner elsewhere in the world, don't bother me." and wouldn't you know it? Shit tons of messages from idiots in other countries on the other side of the world who again, want to talk dirty and tell me how much they'd love my chubby lips around their throbbing cock. Like FFS read the person's god damn profile before you start sending them messages. I've even gotten chasers send me "Mmm want you to fuck my ass" apparently they didn't read the profile, it's brutally and painfully obvious. I can put fake information like the following "I have full blown AIDs, herpes and genital warts, like a real bad case of genital warts" and these guys will still PM me and go "Mmmm want you to fuck my ass" like god damn, you want HIV? Because not reading a person's profile before trying to fuck them is how you get HIV.

No wonder the gay community has an HIV Epidemic, shit tons of illiterate dumbasses on these dating sites can't read a fucking profile. Granted I'm disease free, but god damn man, if I slept around and tried to fuck every dude I found attractive without reading their profile, I know for a fact I'd have HIV because I've seen a few profiles of people who were HIV Positive complaining about people not reading their profiles and getting shocked suddenly in person when they learn the person that was about to fuck them is HIV Positive. Clear as fucking day on their profile, and yet they still end up with people shocked when the HIV positive person gives them the courtesy of telling the idiot that didn't read the profile about the STD. Me personally I think the profile gave enough warning and the HIV positive person should cum inside them regardless just to each the retard a lesson about the need to read the fucking profile.

That's about all.

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