Gay scene. Remembering Nalle pub

Whenever I travel and have time I try to see the gay scene of a city. Don't know how about you guys, but I definitely found a lack of sufficient information on this topic.

And I decided why wouldn't I share my experience of visiting gay bars and pubs all over Europe? They are not so many, but they are fun.

It might be helpful and interesting for you, so next time you go for a ​vacation you know where to grab a drink or maybe something juicier​ hehehe🙈

I decided to start with Nalle pub, which was unfortunately closed a few years ago. Even though it is closed it still very special to me. IT WAS FIRST GAY PLACE I VISITED EVER!

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Back in 2011, when I first opened the doors of Nalle, this bar looked like this.


I was very shy and spend all night in the corner.😂 But people and especially bartender were very nice to me. So if Nalle was open I would totally recommend it to everyone.



Nalle is translated from Finnish as a teddy bear. And visitors from all over the world were bringing toys to decorate walls of the bar.


It seems like I was not the only one who liked Nalle.


Nalle was a nice bar where you could drink coffee reading newspaper in the morning☕️ and grab a beer or two with your pals in the evening.🍺 Sadly it was closed because of high rent and inability of recoupment.

I don't know if there any other place of this format in Helsinki. I think we should ask @meandyou Definitely, there is a club called DTM or "Don't tell Mama". Crazy names is another thing I really love about gay places. But one place at a time, I will tell about it in my next post.

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