Readymade Garments Industry of Bangladesh

History of RMG Sector in Bangladesh:
The foundation of textile sector was initial established within the sixtieth decade of nineteenth century. For the primary time, the trade exported shirts (Mercury shirt) to the eu market in 1965-66, that was made from metropolis. within the latter, nine mercantilism industries were accessible in 1977-78. The 3 largest industries in this time were Riaz clothes, Jewel clothes and Paris clothes. Among those, Riaz clothes was the foremost far-famed and oldest trade in this time.

In the earlier stage, Riaz clothes of Mahound Reaz Uddin started its business with some trade look within the name of Riaz store. within the later, the name become Riaz clothes from Riaz store in one973 and from 1978 the corporate started mercantilism product within the abroad by mercantilism 1 million items of shirts within the South Korean Company named “Olanda”. “Desh Garments” is another pioneer of East Pakistan RMG sector. In 1979, Desh clothes started a joint project with South Korean company “Daiyuu”.
At an equivalent time, many clothes were introduced such as-Stylecraft restricted by Shamsur Rahman, Aristocraft Limitd by AM Subid Ali, Azim cluster by Engineer Mahound Fazlul Azim and Sunman cluster by Major (Retd) Abdul Mannan.

By following the beginners of RMG sector, some others discreet and hard-working entrepreneurs started their RMG business within the country. From there, RMG sector of East Pakistan was developing day by day and not required to appear back. tho' this sector had passed varied essential stages through the trail. in this time, we have a tendency to learned regarding kid labour 1994 and in 1995 we have a tendency to created our clothes trade free from kid labour terribly with success.

Present scenario of RMG Sector in Bangladesh:
Quota system was an excellent blessing for establishing our clothes trade. we have a tendency to were powerfully benefited by victimisation that. As a result we are able to see a matured clothes trade nowadays. however whereas quota system was approaching to associate finish in 2004, there’s such a large amount of got upset regarding the RMG sector of East Pakistan. tho' within the latter it can’t be affected here because the consultants were appeared. we have a tendency to conquered the post quota challenges and created that a sure-fire story.

In RMG sector of East Pakistan, there ar quite 5000 garment factories (private statistics) at this time, using quite twelve lack labours, wherever eighty fifth of the labour force is girls. But, consistent with BGMEA the quantity of garment factories in East Pakistan around 4000. Now, RMG trade is that the countries largest export wage earner with the worth of over $24.49bn of exports within the last year. Its an excellent news for USA that, East Pakistan is clearly ahead from different South Asian suppliers in terms of capability of the prepared created clothes trade.
Though, there ar varied styles of clothes ar factory-made in East Pakistan, however all the prepared created clothes ar classified into 2 broad classes, wherever one is plain-woven product and another one is unwoven product. plain-woven product includes Shirts, Pants and Trousers. On the opposite hand, unwoven product includes T-Shirts, Polo Shirts, Undergarments, Socks, Stockings and Sweaters. plain-woven clothes still dominates the export earnings of the country.From BGMEA web site its seen that, Day by day unwoven things production is increasing in considerable rate and currently regarding four-hundredth export earnings has achieved from unwoven product.
Contribution of RMG Sector to the National Economy:
The role RMG sector in East Pakistan economy is exceptional. It’s seen that, from the last decade, RMG sector contributes to the financial set-up in considerable rate. regarding seventy six of total export earnings return from RMG sector. From a statistics it’s known that, in FY 2003-04 RMG sector of East Pakistan earned US$ five,686.06 million, in FY 2004-05 the worth was US$ vi,417.67.67 million, in FY 2005-06 the worth was US$ 7900.80 million, in FY 2006-07 the worth was US$ nine,211.23 million, in FY 2007-08 the worth was US$ ten,699.80 million, in FY 2008-09 the worth was US$ twelve.35 billion and at last in FY 2013-14 the worth stands at $24.49billion.

Opportunity of RMG Sector in Bangladesh:
RMG sector of East Pakistan has some key factors that impressed for steady growth of this sector. tho' its a matter of nice stunning for therefore many who however RMG sector of East Pakistan continues to point out its sturdy performance within the world.

The mian key fcactors that has nice influence on RMG sector of East Pakistan ar within the following:

Vast proletariat,
Skilled human resources,
Technological upgrades,
Government supports for textile and covering,
Special economic/export process zones,
Creation of textile and covering villages,
Incentive to be used of native inputs,
Duty reduction for the import of inputs/machines,
Income tax reduction,
And international supports like GSP, GSP+, duty free access etc.
By victimisation the on top of key points we are able to simply occur the world”s readymade clothes market terribly powerfully. however there”s some another key factors. If we have a tendency to apply those key factors in our readymade clothes sector, then we'll come through the primary priority to the worlds far-famed consumers note book.
Those key factors are-

Cost Effective Strategy,
New development strategy,
Product Diversification Strategy and
Market Diversification Strategy.

Challenges for RMG Sector of Bangladesh:
Though RMG sector of East Pakistan has achieved the second spot for the very best variety of clothes bourgeois, however it's plenty of issues. the foremost issues baby-faced by RMG sector presently is that the lack of safety in operating place and dealing conditions for the several clothes staff. It’s become an excellent challenge for the approaching year of East Pakistan. Another vital one is political stability.

Two major incidents in RMG sector of East Pakistan ar the Tazreen hearth and therefore the Rana Plaza collapse, that have brought the problem of work safety to the fore and diode all stakeholders to act consequently. however it’s excellent news for RMG sector that, following the unfortunate incidents, varied platforms cherish the East Pakistan Accord lit and Building Safety, the Alliance for East Pakistan employee Safety and National arrange of Action are fashioned to boost building and hearth safety of Bangladesh’s fashion business. conjointly BGMEA and BKMEA ar operating along here to unravel such varieties of issues. they need conjointly taken necessary actions and endowed immense quantity of cash.

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It’s a large responsibility for the govt. of East Pakistan to make sure operating place safety all told the clothes producing factories. If we have a tendency to can’t copulate, foreign consumers can refuse to put order here, which is able to be a vast blow for RMG sector of East Pakistan. We hope, the govt. of East Pakistan, BGMEA and BKMEA, with the support of worldwide brands and international development partners, are going to be ready to make sure the safety of the RMG trade and maintain the momentum of socio-economic development within the country.

Political stability creates a negative impact on RMG sector of East Pakistan. If it continues, it'll be a vast blow to destroy our most respected sector. So, political leaders ought to start up right away to unravel such varieties of issues.

It’s a chief duty for USA to supply an ideal operating place for the readymade clothes sector of East Pakistan that has given our economy a robust footing, created jobs for several folks, particularly for girls, raised them from the abysm of chronic impoverishment and given them an impressive life. currently what we've required to try and do is coping with all the challenges facing our readymade clothes trade, paving the means for its additional development.

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