THANK YOU for supporting us during this difficult week

We have a lot of people to thank for their support and concern during this challenging week at the Garden of Eden!

As you can imagine, it has been very hectic and chaotic to navigate the waters after @quinneaker was stabbed then wrongly arrested on a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly arrest that came even before the Arlington Police Department conducted an investigation that violated even more standards of due process and due diligence.

Holding a corrupt system accountable is a big challenge, but we are here and stand firmly in dedication to building a better world for ALL. We remain committed to solutions! 

We are interviewing both criminal defense and civil lawyers, because #1 we will protect Quinn's freedom, and #2 the Arlington Police Department needs to be held accountable for their incompetence. 

At this time, we don't have much new news to report to you. We want to keep you in the loop about what went down and what's unfolding, and we will release our videos and affidavits when we have a lawyer and have filed an internal investigation against APD.

@quinneaker has some very exciting developments to tell you about, but we're going to save them to let him drop them on you himself - it's REALLY good stuff, y'all!!! For now we will tell you that he is getting stronger every single day, and it seems like nothing can hold him back!!

In this post we want to say THANK YOU!!!!!!!! Again and again THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

THANK YOU for reaching out to us through comments, phone calls, and emails.

THANK YOU for your prayers and well wishes.

THANK YOU for offering your service.

THANK YOU for suggesting resources and people to connect with to help us through this.

THANK YOU for your financial donations towards Quinn's Freedom Fund - this is going directly to legal defense and a lawsuit against the APD.

THANK YOU for understanding that we are spread very thin and presently do not have the means to answer everyone directly. 

THANK YOU to the blockchain for existing!!! Thank all the gods that we have an alternative to FB, as most of our community members are banned from spreading the word.

A special thank you to all you beautiful Steemians who have contributed directly to Quinn's Freedom Fund:

@cryptomancer - We are so grateful for your generosity. It's a huge deal to us to receive support in Steem for so many reasons, and your awesome gift of 500 Steem is super inspiring. We got a little teary eyed when we saw what you sent over. Thank you @cryptomancer!

@coruscate - You made a beautiful post in support of @quinneaker and the @gardenofeden, and thank you for using your precious time to do so. You are a great Steemian and we're really thankful that you would declare your genuine feelings about us here on the blockchain! We're very grateful for your friendship.

@onceuponatime & @canadian-coconut - We see you upvoting our posts about @quinneaker, and we're honored to receive your support! It is so very powerful to have this incredible platform to reach out to in a time like this, and we are grateful that both of you support worthy causes and are vocal proponents of morality and decency.

@roelandp & @nanzo-scoop - Thank you for your upvotes! You are both some of our favorite gentlemen and valuable members of the community. We have lots of respect for both of you. We are very grateful that you are tuning in and extending this meaningful vote of confidence in Quinn and the GOE through these injustices!

EVERYONE who has upvoted - THANK YOU!! It means a LOT to us! As we say, this platform is so revolutionary not only in that we can spread information, but that we can use our "likes" AKA upvotes to distribute financial resources to truly worthy causes. Your votes are greatly appreciated, because it demonstrates that there are MANY people fed up with this system of injustice and incompetence. We are seeing the blockchain bring real and significant change to the world, and we are going to use this situation to harness this technology for a greater good than we have ever seen!! Thank you for being part of this revolution with us!

@sirwinchester - THANK YOU for your donation and kind words! We're dancing with you in spirit to celebrate freedom unbound!

@bambam808 - Thank you so much for supporting Quinn! We are very touched that you are sharing your resources with us in the name of liberty and love. 

@paradise-found, @da-dawn, @bitrocker2020, @melodyrussell, @sue-stevenson, @scottshots, @cmduncan94 - Every one of you took the time and consideration to share the rewards from your efforts on this platform with us, and we are so grateful for that! Not only does it demonstrate that you are standing in solidarity with us, but we are so happy that we can utilize this revolutionary cryptocurrency towards supporting real world justice and truth! Thank you! 

@cybercodetwins - "every bits help" ABSOLUTELY. It's an honor to have your support! 

That's all for now. We expect to have more for you in the coming week - please continue to stay tuned!

Please share our press release with your own network to help us get eyes on this issue:

Garden of Eden Founder Quinn Eaker Stabbed Multiple Times On His Own Land

Assailant Walks Free After Another Botched And Bungled Operation From The Arlington Police Department

[ARLINGTON, TEXAS, May 31] -- Quinn Eaker, founder of the humanitarian project the Garden of Eden that feeds tens of thousands of free meals a year, clothes, shelters, educates, and provides healing space for people in need, was stabbed 8 times by a homeless man for whom he had provided refuge.

Eaker, 35, is in stable condition, despite being locked in a police car for more than 30 minutes while he bled without care.

Assailant Heath Archer, who first pepper sprayed Eaker before repeatedly stabbing him, called the police then disappeared for 2 hours before showing up with an unexplained wound to the forearm that was unsubstantiated by witness accounts.

Archer remains free, despite Eaker’s request to press charges and file a restraining order.

In an appalling and unjustified turn of events for which no probable cause has been presented, Eaker was arrested and removed from his own property.

In yet another example of gross misconduct on behalf of the Arlington Police Department, the ensuing investigation of the incident was a laundry list of rights violations: search without a warrant, arrest without reading rights, coercion, intimidation, manipulation, lying, failure to properly secure a crime scene, trespassing, failure to follow due process, and failure to conduct due diligence.

Eaker was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and has since been released on bond.

Unfortunately this is not the first or worst of the Arlington Police Department’s gross abuse of power as they repeatedly target Eaker with corrupt and unlawful attacks, such as the the bogus SWAT raid on the property and terrorization of its residents in August 2013. This latest grievous injustice is another illustration of malicious intent from the City of Arlington, which is already facing an ongoing $5 million civil suit from residents of the Garden of Eden.

Significant portions of the investigation were videoed, photographed, and witnessed by residents of the Garden of Eden and will be released as public record on the censorship resistant Steem blockchain, as well as used in lawsuits against Heath Archer and the Arlington Police Department.

The Garden of Eden is a non-profit and sustainable community dedicated to building a better world for all.



We have had numerous requests asking how people can be of service to help @quinneaker and our community @gardenofeden, and we are extremely grateful for that support!! Here's what you can do to help:

  1. Send good vibes! Prayer, dancing, meditating, chanting - anything you do to activate that light & love force of LIFE, please send some to @quinneaker for a speedy, easy healing!
  2. PLEASE SHARE these posts by resteeming on the blockchain and through other media outlets!!
  3. Donate to Quinn's Freedom Fund in fiat using the Donate button at the top of our homepage:
  4. Donate to Quinn's Freedom Fund in crypto through a free and instantaneous transfer here on the Steem blockchain, or send

    BTC 1MkEBgUSSd41jGzeAHP4HPhoFRLeb2UU4H

    LTC  Levh2ph11Bmsi3aPw3dB6jazvpGfMwKceW

    EOS or ETH  0x8F7bd2F6Cc132c62C3E9D7CC7f9aaB2c0ED84491
  5. We need a civil prosecutor AND a criminal defense lawyer! If you are an honorable lawyer or have a great recommendation for one, please contact us. 


For now, instead of giving away all of our resources towards helping others and providing free food, clothing, and shelter to anyone as we have for the past decade, we are now redirecting everything we have towards keeping Quinn out of jail.

A better world IS possible~*~

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