Excuses, excuses, excuses - "I'm Just Doing My Job" - Assault: Part 1

I have only written one Steemit post this last month.  

It’s crazy that a  month has gone by already.  

It’s like I’ve been stuck in a time-warp!  

Much of my attention has been on writing affidavits, timelines,
letters to the attorney general,
and other pertinent things with regard to the
stabbing of @quinneaker on May 23rd, 2018.   

I also don’t feel very inspired to write about anything else just yet,
not even to jump in on the art projects I get to play with you all.

Since I’ve been writing and writing about all of these interactions with the Arlington Police, this is the most relevant subject on my mind.  This incident feels like a very significant situation in which to engage.  This is a darkness that keeps revealing itself over and over, and is begging for the light to be shined upon it.  It is a darkness so dark, that it wants to exterminate itself.  It has chosen a worthy opponent, a light so bright, it outshines the darkness.

We have created this darkness ourselves as a collective.  We as humans are complacent sissies that will do anything, including giving up our values, for a bit of comfort and convenience.  Most people don’t really want to look at the monster we have created, because once you really know, you cannot unknow.  And once you know, you have to be responsible for your participation in it.  It’s a hard thing to face -- the self.

How easy it is, (or is it?) to believe what you have always been told and doing what you’ve always done, as well as  those before you, just because it is the path of least resistance and because everyone else is doing it too.  Unconscionable things are happening on our watch, during our time on this planet.  We have to get over our fear of facing ourselves, who we have been, what we have done, and shift to embrace the opportunity to reinvent ourselves, creating the best world we can possibly create.  We just have to make it important and dedicate ourselves to making change.

Being present on the @gardenofeden land on May 23rd for over a span of nearly 15 hours, recording the shenanigans and incompetencies of the Arlington Police Department, confirmed that the slave mentality is alive and well. They just do their jobs, no thought, no consciousness, no awareness, no heart, no soul, no responsibility, no accountability, and definitely no true service. They can’t look us in the eyes, their empty gazes staring off into space.  Most don’t even know what they’re doing to others, and even if they know, they obviously don’t really care, because they keep on doing it.

This sargeant was not only here as the second in charge on May 23rd, he was also here as the sargeant on duty during the raid in August 2013.  Coincidence?

It’s a very scary thing to see so many people wearing badges and carrying guns acting like robots, repeating over and over, “we’re just doing our jobs!”  That is the programmed response--so powerless, so pathetic.  ~I can harm whoever I want, do whatever I want, and only my job is the problem, not me.~  What a weird way to interact with life.  

So sad, really!!!!

I am grateful that I have done some of my own deep introspection and that I can see these things.  And I am most grateful that I am living at the @gardenofeden where @quinneaker holds space for this awarenesses to be lived on a daily basis.  I would rather be aware, be taking action, and meeting with resistance along the way, than bury my head in the sand and pretend that all is well or accepting of ‘that’s just the way it is’.

I imagine that this whole situation is really just an opportunity to let this corruption be seen on another level, and for coming together to truly enact the life of our dreams.

These are potent times.
May we be inspired to do something truly miraculous with our time on this planet.

Stand up for change.
Let’s do it together.

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