After the September Snow

After our preview to winter Sept. 28-29, I went outside on Sept. 30 to take a few pictures of the snow-induced carnage in the yard and garden.


This used to be my favorite petunia pot. It looks quite bedraggled now.


I found this "rescue plant" on a half-price rack outside the grocery store late in summer, looking quite pathetic. I took good care of it and it grew nicely and bloomed beautifully. So sad to say goodbye to it.


The planter of calibrachoa that I photographed repeatedly throughout the storm is looking....squished.


I'm so glad I picked one last bouquet of zinnias, calendulas, and gladioli before it snowed!


The zucchini plants are not only squished, but looking frostbitten. However....


.....I actually found 5 usable zucchinis down in the foliage! Plus some usable collard greens elsewhere in the garden.


The sunflowers were one of the items I had to replant after something ate them, so these got off to a very late start. They had only begun to bloom about two weeks before it snowed.


The only plants that remained unscathed were the "purple broccoli" that really weren't broccoli at all. I am convinced they were Brussels sprouts that ran out of time to produce anything to eat.

All photos taken on my Android phone.

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