Welcome to Rehab!



Welcome to Rehab Gardens! I hope anyone who checks this out is prepared to grow with us literally and figuratively. 🙂 You can check my post out on instagram, twitter, and youtube all @rehabgardens. Please follow all those pages on the respected platforms to show your support. Always still come back here for more insight on what we are doing and why we are doing it. As an example, here, I will tell you why the #TreeCollards were my first post on IG and twitter. Plain and simply I wanted to come out with something strong to let people know I didn't just start gardening during quarentine. 😅 Look out for our first youtube video coming next week! Untill then its plant of the day.

#RehabGardens #TreeCollard #CollardTree #PlantOfTheDay #PlantOfTheWeek #GetUpGetOutAndGrowSomething #IntroduceYourself

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