Peeling “Fuli” Nutmeg

Nutmeg is one of the most valuable commodities. Farmers/planters, especially where I always take time to plant nutmeg on the sidelines of other plants. Nutmeg has an expensive selling value when compared to other plants such as areca nut.

For the planters in my place, the nutmegs are ripe, there are two valuable parts of seed nutmeg and nutmeg “fuli”.



“Fuli” is a bright red or red membrane covering the skin of the nutmeg often called the nutmeg or a lot of it also mentions with the name of “mace”. “Fuli” nutmeg is the base material for the manufacture of essential oils that have many benefits.


In my place, “fuli” nutmeg price is IDR. 130.000 while seed nutmeg price is IDR. 90.000, -. Nutmeg “fuli” is more valuable than nutmeg seed. However, to collect nutmeg juice less than the seeds. In 10 kilograms of nutmeg, the “fuli” nutmeg only 1 kilogram.


Planters are looking forward to the attention of the government for the development and empowerment of planters and regulation on the standard selling price. Planters are also people who want to get a decent living with income from the garden.

May the government pay attention to the life of the planters with policies that are in favor of the planters .. Hopefully

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