My garden # 6 or purchase of different seeds.

Hello dear friends!

On Sunday I went to the store to buy some seeds. It will be necessary to prepare seedlings for the summer very soon. Every year I try to plant something unusual for my region. So now I chose many interesting seeds and of course bought those that I plant constantly.
Summer is very short in my region, only 3 months, but it also happens that all three months are cold. So it was cold last summer. I planted a lot of things, but they did not grow much, even in a greenhouse. There was a lot of rain last summer , almost no sun and the temperature was low. So I hope that this summer everything will be different and I will have a big harvest!
My family consumes a lot of vegetables and greens in summer, as well as many salad leaves. Therefore, first of all, I bought seeds of lettuce, dill and coriander.

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The last few years in my region there is the invasion of snails. I've never seen so many snails, they're just a huge number. I have to use insecticides to protect the crop somehow. But snails still eat everything I plant, even flowers. It's horrible! I do not like to use chemicals, but there is simply no other way out. Only the high sides of beds and the greenhouse save my harvest from snails, to where they can not get to.
Last summer, snails completely ate a whole range of lettuce :(

Also, I certainly plant radish. Radish is growing very fast and I love making salads out of it. The only problem is that the radish does not like light nights, so at night it has to be covered with a dark cloth. In St. Petersburg there is such a phenomenon as the white nights. White nights start from the middle of May and end at the end of June. During this period, the sun does not set and the night is almost light as a day. Radish does not like white nights and starts to stretch and bloom instead of forming tubers.


My next purchase is the seeds of the patissons :) I really love how they look! They look like flying saucers! Usually I do not buy patissons, and I plant only zucchini. But as I found out, the patisson structure is more tender than the zucchini and I like the patissons more. The taste of zucchini and patisson is very similar.


I chose seeds of cucumbers for a long time. My family eats a lot of cucumbers and we make a lot of canned goods of them. We add cucumbers to salads and preserve some part of them. Usually I choose such varieties where cucumbers grow in clusters of several cucumbers. I grow cucumbers only in a greenhouse. Look how beautiful cucumbers I chose :)

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I love carrot seeds in granules. It is very convenient. For planting carrots, I use a special planter to prevent sowing very tightly.

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The most unusual acquisition is the seeds of watermelon. I do not know what will come of it, but I really want to try it. Of course I'll plant a watermelon in a greenhouse.


No summer I can not do without planting a pumpkin. I really like what a pumpkin looks like, it seems to me that this is the brightest and biggest vegetable in the garden :) Pumpkin is a very useful vegetable, but many people do not like the taste of pumpkin. Sometimes I bake a pumpkin pie. This is delicious!


I always buy pea seeds. I really like fresh peas in pods! The main thing is not to forget to make long support sticks for it.


In order not to get confused and forget where and what I planted, I bought these nameplates. I think this is very convenient! Inscriptions should be made by permanent marker, so that the inscriptions will not wash away with the rain. Well, I'll try! :)


Thank you very much for your attention! I hope that you liked my story and you found something useful in it! :)

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