Watermelon Fruit Cultivation


Watermelon Fruit Cultivation

Watermelon is one type of fruit that is very popular in Indonesia. Sweet taste and high water content to be an alternative fruit choice is healthy and also refreshing. Watermelon species are well known are red watermelon, watermelon yellow, and watermelon non seeds. Here are tips on how to cultivate watermelon to get maximum yield.

1. Selecting land

Watermelons need climatic conditions or warm weather to grow perfectly. Watermelon seeds require temperatures around 25-30 degrees Celsius to germinate and grow. This is one of the consideration factors in choosing the right land for watermelon cultivation. In addition, the processing of soil watermelon planting is also very important, necessary processing so that the soil becomes loose.


Land that has been prepared is made as a place to plant seeds of watermelon. Before planting 1-2 days before flush with SUPERNASA 6 kg per Ha. Distance between plants about 100 cm with a bed width of about 3 meters.

2.Preparing the seeds

Seedlings are prepared by planting or seeding seeds. Watermelon seeds first soaked in HORMONIK with a dose of 1 bottle cap in 2 liters of water. Soak in adds by moistened and immersed in cover or newspaper for 1 to 2 days. After the seeding process then the seeds will germinate then transferred to the nursery media. Seedlings with 2 mm long root candidates can be sown in polybags with depths of 1-1.5 cm. Put polybags or pockets in the sun and watered 1-2 times a day to seeds 12 to 14 days before being transferred to planting land.



3.Transfer to planting land

The displacement time should be done late in the afternoon by inserting the seeds with the soil into the soil by removing the polybags used for sowing. How to plant watermelon with single system planting, the ideal tree distance is 90 to 100 cm x 3 m. If with a double system or two rows of plants, make a distance of 90 to 100 cm x 6 or 7 meters.



The beds are watered until wet enough and give organic fertilizer before the seeds are moved to the field. The bed is then trimmed so that the silver black plastic can stick perfectly. Silver black plastic as part of the intensive watermelon cultivation technique can be applied with black colored position facing down and applied when the sun is shining or around 09.00 to 14.00.

One of the process of plant care is with the use of manure. Choose the condition of manure that has been so. Cage manure that has not so will make watermelon plants dwarf or wilted. Organic fertilizer can be used as an alternative fertilizer in addition to the use of ZA, Urea, TSP, and KCl fertilizers. Fertilization can be done only once.

Soil type is also a material consideration of fertilization. Sandy soil requires more fertilizer than the more clay type of soil.


5.Maintenance and benefits of silver black plastic

An alternative way of intensive watermelon cultivation is with a black silver plastic application. Dense applications with soil beds and black color of plastic will prevent grass and weeds to grow around watermelon plants. Plastic with silver side facing to the sun also serves to maintain the temperature of the soil and keep the soil moisture so as to reduce the need for watering.


Watermelon plants need to elongate twigs, it is intended that twigs are not too coincide. Position twigs that coincide can cause easy to fall out and facilitate the occurrence of disease.







Perempelan fruit done on the fruit that grows at the base of the stem of watermelon plants. Leave 1 or 3 watermelons located less than 1 meter from the base of the stem. Large type of watermelon should leave 2 pieces only in one stem. As for the type of small watermelon can be left as much as 3 to 4 pieces. Harvest can be done after 65-75 days since the seedlings are planted. Watermelon that has been harvested usually has the characteristics of the fruit leaves have begun to wilt, and when hit beeped "puk" (sound heavy). Watermelon can be harvested every day, the number of harvested fruits can be adjusted to market demand for fruit conditions are maintained. To harvest it can use scissors or a knife to cut the stalk about 3-5 cm from the base of the fruit.





That was how the process of watermelon planting, may be useful for all friends steemit.
Until here my post, hope you guys like it. Greetings farming from me @myart, thanks.

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