At My Friend´s Garden Center - Feat. Orange Trumpet Creepers



This trumpet vine (Pyrostegia venusta) otherwise known as Florida Flame Vine is at its best with all those thousands of clusters of blooms opening up at the same time, covering the whole vine til its peak of 15 meters high. This one here is located at my friend´s garden center in Andalucia, Southern Spain and it amazes me everytime I see the clusters in vivid orange color. Isn´t it breathtaking to see, all orange covered electrical post?! The one featured here climbed up to the electrical post of the Garden Center and engulpfed it almost totally. The plant obviously loves the sun and with that the clusters of flowers become enorm.


This creeper grows from the ground clinging to almost anything for support. The variety is loved by house owners in Spain for their hedges because when they all bloom at the same time, the impact is so beautiful to see. Flowering is between January til March for the late bloomers.


According to our family friend , who is a biologist, they give organic feed (cow and horse manure mixed with wood to loosen the soil at th same time fertilizing the plant) once or twice a year sometime in Spring and Fall. His advice is to choose a place where it can grow freely without bothering other trees.


An example of the Orange Trumpet used as hedge Image Source

Wishing all of you a lovely Monday evening and looking forward to see you again!


GIF by @gremayo

Content and images in this post are original and property of the author except for the last photo. If you want to use my photos please ask me.

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