Twirling into a Happy Weekend

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I love kinetic things. If it spins, flaps or twirls in the wind and I can put it in my yard, I want it ! If it is extra colorful, ALL the better.

I just received this twirler today. I ordered it off of Etsy and it is hand made of soda and beer cans. :)

They put little beads on the wire between the twirlers. The bottom has some little wires with beads hanging off of them and a bead cluster with a little bell is in the center, which gives the spinner an extra little something, something.

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A little different view.

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Let's see what they had to drink to get these cans.

Bud Light

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Sunkist Orange... mmmmmMMMmmm

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Ginger Ale

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and Coors Light !

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Such a fun thing to make and it's recycled..... which is all the better !

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I wanted to make a small video of it spinning, but wouldn't you know it, not a HINT of breeze outside right now.

Maybe I'll figure out how to make some more of these and share them around. :)

Hope you all have a very happy weekend.

Love ya !


do something nice for someone else, even a little thing can give great joy

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