Autumn Gardening | Tomato and Basil Seedlings


I have some tomatoes that came off a heirloom thessaloniki tomato plant, the plant never really grew and the tomatoes are more like cocktail tomatoes. So, instead of planting more seeds, I decided to see if there were seeds inside these mini tomatoes. I cut one open and what do you know!... there were quite a few seeds.


I planted the tomato just as I cut it and I think just about all the seeds that were inside this tomato have grown. This is by far the easiest way to grow tomatoes that I have tried.


IMG-20180420-01305.jpgTomato Seedlings

Companion Planting Tomato and Basil

I have organic sweet basil seeds that I've been trying to grow the whole summer. I tried starting the seedlings indoors and then transplanting but the seeds simply refused to grow in the soil that I planted it. I had some success by putting some seeds in a container with wet paper towel but the seedlings died after transplanting it into the soil.

IMG-20180418-01284.jpgRain :-)

Now that we're having some cooler weather and also some rain, I decided to try planting some seeds directly outside in the soil and finally I've got some healthy basil seedlings.

IMG-20180420-01308.jpgBasil Seedlings

I've read many articles about how beneficial basil plants are for tomatoes and I've never done this before, so I'm hoping the basil & tomato combination works out for me. According to the articles basil is not only a great pest repellent but also enhances the flavour of tomatoes, actually making it sweeter. Wow! I can't wait to see if that is true.

All photos are my own



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