Photograph | Tomatoes in my garden are fruits or vegetables ?


Tomatoes are vegetables or fruit ?

Debate about tomatoes also appeared in the court of the US Supreme Court. His party questioned whether tomatoes are classified as fruit or vegetables. This question arose after the fruit importer argued about the status of tomatoes. When tomatoes are classified as fruit, tomatoes are subject to an import tax of 10%. They also protest about this.



Viewed from a botanical point of view or the science of plants, tomatoes include fruits because they contain seeds. Not vegetables that refer to other parts of plants such as stems, leaves, roots and flower buds.

Likewise in a culinary way where vegetables are usually served in savory dishes. While the fruit is processed into a dessert, snack or drink. Judging from this principle, tomatoes are more suitable for vegetable groups because they are usually added to savory dishes.



This debate ended after the court ruled that tomatoes were classified as vegetables with the implementation of taxes following the rules. This decision also looks at the use of tomatoes so far in the culinary field. Tomatoes are used more like vegetables in salads, soups and sandwiches. Not like fruit in cake, ice cream or dessert



[Photo : Camera Smartphone]
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