Touring Frinklepod Farm in Maine! Incredible Flowers & Veggies...


Hey everyone! I was just in Maine for a wedding with my cousin @ucsdsu and his girlfriend @mintpaperplane and let's just say I had my fair share of cider...

But more importantly, I stumbled across an organic farm that I thought you all needed to see on Steemit!

So, let me take you on a little tour of Frinklepod Farm in Maine, a cut flower and veggie farm that's certified organic!

First, here's a look at one half of the farm. Most of what you see here is cut flower farming, with a new indoor microgreen building going up in the background (also doubles as a test kitchen):


Here's a peek through the farm stand window at the other side of the farm - this is almost entirely veggies:


The Propagation Greenhouse

Next, we have the propagation greenhouse, where they're starting all kinds of stuff:


First off, some type of onion:


Next, probably some kind of celery based on the leaf structure:


Further into the greenhouse, I stumbled upon a hot house where they're extending the summer season a bit and growing some awesome stuff.

First, HUGE yellow peppers:


Next, an awesome striped eggplant variety:


The Flower Selection

I'm not usually a flower guy, but being on Steemit and seeing some of the awesome flower macro shots has really opened up my eyes. So here are a few I found beautiful.

The first one, and one of my personal favorites, is green dianthus:


Next, I think these are black eyed susans? You tell me:


I'm not even sure what this one is, so help me out guys and girls:


The Vegetables

Now we're getting to one of my favorite things - growing veggies! Let's kick it off with a MOUNTAIN of onions that are all laid out post-harvest:


Then, a simple (but elegant) row of leaf lettuce:


Finally, a nice tray of kale starts:


The Farmstand

Before I wrap it up with a few fun photos of us at the farm, I figured I'd show you some of what they sell. The most interesting thing about their farmstand is that they package up vegetables and bunch them with custom recipes, so their customers can cook everything perfectly and don't have to know how to cook everything themselves. This probably increases their sales quite a bit!

Here's an overview of some of their produce for sale that day:


Next, we have a beautiful selection of squash varieties:


Here was one of my favorites - husk cherries. Have you ever heard of these? They're like tiny tomatillos and have a similar texture, but a much sweeter taste! Highly recommend you hunt some of these down:


Fun at Frinklepod Farm

@ucsdsu's girlfriend @mintpaperplane is new to Steemit and is going to do her introductory post soon, but here's a sneak preview of some of the shots we took for the post:


And here's @ucsdsu washing off a few HUGE carrots that he bought as a mid-day snack for the drive back to Boston to the airport.


The inspiration for this post today comes from these Steemers:

  • @ctrl-alt-nwo - I am continually inspired by his / her daily farm pictures and equipment explanations.
  • @g-dubs - Fantastic person to follow for crypto and alt-coin breakdowns!

Thanks For Reading!

If this is your first time reading my writing, thank you!

My name is Kevin and I run a website called Epic Gardening, where it is my goal to teach 1,000,000 people how to garden. Now that I've found Steemit, I'm going all in on this community and sharing as much as I can here. You'll find me writing about gardening, business, health, and philosophy - I can't seem to stick to one topic :P

Thanks and happy Steeming,



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