Repotting citrus seedlings (orange? mandarin?)

The seeds are from local Arizona citrus trees that smelled absolutely wonderful when the flowers were blooming in May. I'd picked up one or two good-looking fruit from below the trees and took them home with me and saved the seeds. The fruit didn't taste all that great (kind of sour) but I love planting seeds so much that I just wanted to grow some more stuff.

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And yeah, that's my kitchen sink. I've had more success growing indoor plants than outdoor recently, probably because of controlled light and temperatures. (It'll be 115F or 46C degrees today! and my balcony is east-facing, so it only gets about 4-6 hours of sunlight)

For the first time ever, I am actually "preparing" the soil and putting in nutrients ahead of time, instead of months later as a frantic after-thought due to the plants semi-dying.

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I'd love to buy more nutrients, but I still need to be careful with how much money I spend.

These nutrients were bought for my purple cherokee tomato plants, but I think they might benefit just about any plant, so I've added a little bit down into the citrus bucket before putting in the seedlings and filling with dirt.

And by "dirt" I no longer mean the backyard desert soil. This is potting soil from a store, originally in the pots on my balcony. Many plants out on the balcony have died over the past few months (probably due to not enough sunlight or the rising temperatures), so now I have extra soil to spare!

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