Difficulty growing radishes (German Giant)

The starter leaves sprout quickly, but then it takes forever for the next set of leaves to grow, and sometimes none at all. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong...?

Photo on 6-21-17 at 7.18 PM.jpg

In the above photo, there's one radish sprout at the bottom, center. The other three in that pot died. There are some tiny cilantro sprouts growing, but I have a hunch they are also struggling.

In the pot to the left, there is one radish sprout towards the top, and the other three in that pot died, as well.

Photo on 6-21-17 at 7.29 PM #2.jpg

These pots are inside my apartment under two long grow lights (I don't have a yard). The Purple Cherokee tomato seedlings are doing fantastic, but the German Giant radishes planted around the tomatoes on June 1st are struggling.

FYI, the little pellets on the surface of the dirt are fertilizer. It has taken me many years to realize that plants need more than just light and water—they actually need nutrients, too! lol

Have you had luck with radishes? Any tips for fertilizer, how often to water, etc? Companion gardening tips?

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