The Most Expensive Citrus Plant In The World Keeps Having A Miscarriage!


Since when did any citrus plant acquire a uterus you ask? I agree that they don't have any - however, would you have clicked on this post had the title not been so?

On my last post about the most expensive citrus in the world, I asked you about how I can prevent her flowers from drying up ( that didn't come out right but whatever ~). As one of you suggested, I moved it to a shadowy part of the house and finally, the flowers get to open and stopped drying up.


It bore more flowers which opened at the same time so since I only have one plant, I was their bee.

Here's how I pollinated each flower. I brushed flower A's pollen tubes to get the pollen and brushed them on flower B's stigma. I would normally use a cotton bud to do this but since these bloom's reproductive part is the size of a cotton bud, I used a soft brush instead.


Days later, the baby fruits came out. I thought it was a successful pollination process till each fruit started turning brown and just dropped off their crowns. So you see, it had this much miscarriage!


The plant never stopped blooming till this month though. Instead of losing hope, I kept on pollinating the flowers despite the continuous miscarriage. I also moved it to the brighter window sill but on the part where it won't get hit by direct sunlight.


Somehow, the baby fruits got bigger than before and their petals seem to stick with them a lot longer - till they brown and get considerably wilted and fall off their crowns on their own.


I still found one fruit on the surface of the sand though so am worried these fruits that seem to be getting bigger may start repeating history again so I've decided to ask you again. What do you think am I doing wrong? Is there something I should be giving the most expensive citrus plant in the world to make sure its fruits successfully ripen? Please tell me as a reply.

Am sure it's not the watering that's the problem. I bought it a water regulator so am sure it only gets to drink when thirsty. It's quite a drunkard anyway. Fingers crossed the remaining baby fruits get to grow the way it should.


This content's 100% mine . I took some of the pics with my smartphone and the others with my D Eye .. Right click on the pic to open it on a new tab.

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