Solved: Identify This Plant [Gardening]


We finally know how to identify this plant. In this post, I will share the answer.

In my last two posts in which I shared photos of this flower growing in my garden, nobody was able to properly identify it.

The answer is:


According to, #Bergenia is also called #elephants-ear and sometimes #pipsqueak. You know why? Because it makes that sound when you rub two leaves together. It grows well in the shade, and is considered a very low maintenance plant. It can be divided to create more plants. It can grow well in poor soil, or it can be grown in a rockery. Best of all, it is not poisonous to humans or pets.

Amazingly, one of my personal friends was the person who succeeded in helping me to identify this plant. She did a google search and basically looked at every red stemmed plant until she found a photo match.

Thank you for all the wonderful support in helping to identify this plant. I appreciated all the kind responses, like you always do. It is always my pleasure to interact with you here on steemit.



Artistic vision of my bonsai lime tree by @daniellozada

For those of you seeking to interact beyond the post, I am opening up my discord channel publicly to members. We have an informal group starting to form for #teambonsai, and I would also like to interact more with fellow gardeners, artists, people of other cultures, and friendly people just looking to network kindly with others.

Jump in, say hello, and introduce yourself.

Find me in #Truthville on discord.


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