Tilling and planting the last part of the garden

Hello, steemians, and welcome to my garden, eh!

I finally got to the last section of the garden yesterday. I planned on planting potatoes in this section, so I needed to till it up to loosen up the dirt, and to till in the shredded leaves and the clover. I could have gotten it done sooner except that I needed to put the motor on the tiller first, and I had not gotten that far. The original motor on the tiller seized up on me 3 years ago, so I've been using the motor from the snow blower since then to run the tiller. The problem with that is that I also need the snow blower in the winter, so I have to swap the motor between the them. Swapping the motor is not a difficult job, it's just a pain in the butt to do, so I always put it off for as long as I can. I finally got it done a couple of days ago, so that I could use the tiller. The motor is a 7 hp, so it does the job on the tiller well enough.

The next thing I had to do was clean up the mess on the part of the garden that needed to be tilled. I had piled all the walking boards and other stuff on that part of the garden to get them out of the way last month. I got the area ready to be tilled.

I had to wait until late afternoon to run the tiller, the sun was really beating down on the garden yesterday earlier in the day. I did manage to get the area tilled though. There are a couple of volunteer potato plants growing in the area from potatoes that got missed last year when digging them up, so I tilled around them.

After that, I put my walking panels along the edge of the plot and prepared 2 rows for planting the seed potato pieces.

Planting seed potatoes is pretty simple, just place the pieces of seed potato in the furrow and pull the dirt over them with the hard tooth rake when you're done. Each piece of potato needs to have at least 1 or 2 eyes on it, or you won't get a plant from that chunk. If the eyes have started sprouting, that's even better.

I put some boards down the middle of the tilled area to walk on, and also to help keep the weeds from growing, at least where the boards are.

I still have 2 more rows to plant in this area. I need to cut the seed potatoes to get them ready for planting. You don't have to cut them, you can plant them whole, but they go further if you cut them, you don't have to have as many potatoes to start with. Even if you just cut them in half, you have twice as many pieces to plant.
I planted 2 rows of Yukon Gold potatoes, I only had enough pieces for the 2 rows. I also have a bag of Goldrush Russet potatoes to plant, so that will be the other 2 rows. When I'm done planting them, I'll be pretty much done with planting. I still need to plant a few zucchinis and pumpkins, but that's pretty simple.

Well, that's all I have for this post, I hope you found it interesting!
Check out my other garden posts for more interesting stuff.

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May the Steem Force be with you!

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