Finishing the potato digging

Hello, steemians, and welcome to da garden, eh!

Last Thursday turned out to be a really nice day, the nicest day we've had all fall. It was partly sunny and in the low 50s, a perfect day to dig potatoes! I had a row and a half of potatoes left to dig to be done with harvesting the potatoes for the year. These are the Goldrush Russet potatoes that I had planted for the first time this year. I wanted to see how well they would do compared to the potatoes that I've planted in past years.

I started by digging up the half length row. I also dug up the carrots that were growing in with the potatoes. The first half row had a pretty good yield of nice size potatoes.

After a bit of a break, I started on the long row. This was the end of the row that was partly shaded by the plum tree. The yield wasn't as big as the half row, but it wasn't bad, and included a Yukon Gold plant that had been growing there.

I finished digging the rest of the long row and the yield on this row wasn't all that great. Some of the plants hardly produced any potatoes, other plants produced nice big potatoes. I gathered all the potatoes from the second half of the row together for these pictures.


I think the yield could have been a bit better from these plants if I had started watering them a bit sooner and been more diligent with the watering. We had a dry middle of the summer, and potatoes need a lot of water to do their best. Even with the dry conditions, I ended up with enough potatoes to probably last us through the winter if they don't start sprouting too early.

All I have left in the garden to harvest at this point is the carrots, and they'll be ok in the garden as long as the ground doesn't start to freeze. I just have to arrange for some kind of carrot storage in the basement refrigerator so that they'll keep until I can either use them or process them.

That's all I have for this post, I hope you found it interesting!

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my post, eh!

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