How To Clone Vegetables.


#helloworld. I have been cloning many vegetables for my "quarantine garden" as ive been calling it. Ive been buying seeds but the garden is actually mostly Onion, garlic, lettuce, beet and celery clones!

Here is a very simple guide to cloning vegetables that you can follow along with at home! Just check inside your fridge for some Vegetable scraps or follow this guide next time you cook and simply save the bottom of the celery stick, onion or lettuce next time you cook!

Cloning #vegetables is actually very easy! The picture {above} is the bottom of a head of lettuce soaked in filtered water. Look how many lettuce clones there are from one plant! Just remember the two ingredients: Water + bottom scrap of vegetable. use an appropriately sized cup to hold the clones.

Not only is cloning vegetables basically free, but the little "clonelings" are very hearty and get a huge start indoors! If you want bigger plants, clone them.

Once you have cloned vegetables {by soaking the roots of a vegetable in water} you can plant them straight into the ground or into any indoor growing medium. Make sure you water the grow medium well before and after planting the clone{s}.

Pro tips:

Add a few dashes of cloning powder into the water for slow rooting vegetables.

Use an organic "mother plant" to take the clones from. {thanks @luegenbaron}


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