Un-happy Tomatoes Update.....

I posted awhile back about our mistake in planning or shall we say not changing our plans fast enough and the stress the garden suffered because of our failure to act….. See the post here….

We covered what we did to help get our plants back in shape and we wanted to share the results!

The tomato plant are green again, looking very healthy and starting to flower again!

Serenity Valley Farms Refreshed Tomato plant.jpg

Serenity Valley Farms Tomato.jpg

Our late plant peppers could not look better…….
Serenity Valley Farms Late Plant Peppers.jpg

Our basil is going gang busters!
Serenity Valley Farms Basil.jpg

And our pole beans are producing at a record pace…
Serenity Valley Farms Pole Beans.jpg

Serenity Valley Farms Pole Been Harvest.jpg

Thanks for reading, feedback is always appreciated!

That’s all for now will see y’all next time…..

Bob & Colleen Browning
Serenity Valley Farms
Monticello, KY

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