Garden soiling in progress

Yesterday was a busy day in the garden, now that it's almost stopped raining I have to start working on the garden. This was one activity which was kept pending in my new home due to the rainy season, when we had finished everything with the house, it was just the time for monsoon, and here in my region it rains heavily during these 4 months so it's not the right time to seed any new plants.

I have plans to grow lot of food in my garden, I had to wait patiently for the monsoon to end. My this time visit to India has been specifically for this reason. Before I grow anything the first step is to soil up the garde. This is a place I got built from scratch and in my location there was no sand, it was a rocky area, so we had to get all of that broken and then build up the house, and since it was rocky area and no soil, I have to get the soil from the market to fill it up in the garden.

The important thing is to source quality and organic soil which will support good growth of my plants, luckily we found one vendor, he had a little premium price then the regular ones but then I was ok for my plants to pay a little extra. Finally yesterday the vendor delivered the soil. Since it's a huge amount he had to get it in a tractor and and then I had to take other help to transfer it to my gardens. Totally I have 5 garden areas, which I am planning one to grow big trees, like mango and other fruits and veggies which needs depth, the other one is for fruits, one is for herbs, one is going to be just decorative plants and one is going to be lawn and some plants.

From the tractor all the soil was first removed outside the villa, the last time the tractor guy brought his tractor inside the villa compound and he broke the tiles, so this time we requested to remove it all outside and then with the help of some people I got it transferred in the gardens. It was quite a lot of manual labor, but I had no choice, I cannot afford to damage the property.

These are the empty garden which are now filled up

Getting it filled up in all the different gardens


It's all filled up



The work started in the evening and by the time finished it was night, it took quite some time to transfer everything.

Some lemons already growing, this I had planted some months back before the rains


There are lot of flowers on it so I am hoping there will be good number of lemons growing here.

Doing all of this right from the scratch is a very satisfying feeling. Today I have the gardener coming over to plan on planting the trees.

Thank you for visiting my blog. πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΈ



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